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8 Photos of Guests at Aaliyah Massaid's Pregnancy Gender Reveal, Aurel Hermansyah Praised for Looking Thinner

8 Photos of Guests at Aaliyah Massaid's Pregnancy Gender Reveal, Aurel Hermansyah Praised for Looking Thinner

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8 Photos of Guests at Aaliyah Massaid's Pregnancy Gender Reveal, Aurel Hermansyah Praised for Looking Thinner

Aaliyah Massaid & Thariq Halilintar announced the gender of their baby resulting from their love. Yes, the couple who married on July 26, 2024, will be blessed with a baby boy. Through a post on Thursday (27/02), Aaliyah shared a gender reveal event attended by several invited guests.


Here is a list of guests invited to the gender reveal of the baby that Aaliyah is carrying. Notably, there are Aurel Hermansyah and Zahwa Massaid, Aaliyah's sister.


Aurel Hermansyah admitted that Ameena & Azura are happily welcoming the presence of their male cousin who is being carried by Aaliyah.


Aurel's appearance has been highlighted as she is said to be getting slimmer. It is known that Aurel has been using several diet methods to achieve her ideal weight.


Meanwhile, Aurel also mentioned that she prays for Aaliyah's pregnancy to go smoothly until the delivery later.


In addition, another guest who was seen is Reza Artamevia, who is the biological mother of Aaliyah Sohwa Halilintar, Aaliyah's sister-in-law.


Meanwhile, Sohwa & Zahwa as the two prospective aunts of Aaliyah's child are known to be guessing the gender. Zahwa's correct guess because she guessed male.


Thariq Halilintar seems unable to hide his happiness after learning that he will have a baby boy. 


Congratulations to Thariq & Aaliyah, may everything go smoothly until the delivery day arrives.


The Halilintar family is the happiest at that moment. Geni Faruk's wish to have a grandson is said to soon come true. 

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