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8 Photos of Pasha Ungu and Adelia's 11th Anniversary Celebration, Held a Luxurious Party - Attended by Lesti and Annisa Trihapsari

8 Photos of Pasha Ungu and Adelia's 11th Anniversary Celebration, Held a Luxurious Party - Attended by Lesti and Annisa Trihapsari Pasha Ungu and Adelia Wilhelmina's anniversary celebration (credit: - Adelia Wilhelmina and Pasha Ungu have just celebrated their 11th wedding anniversary. To celebrate this special moment, Pasha and Adelia held a festive party.

Not holding back, they even created a stage like a concert. Several celebrities were seen attending the event. What was the excitement like?

1. This is what the atmosphere of the 11th anniversary celebration of Pasha Ungu and Adelia Wilhelmina looks like.

2. A fairly large stage was made as a place for the attending guest stars.

3. The purple color theme seems to dominate the decoration of the location of Pasha and Adelia's special day celebration.

4. Apparently, the event was not only an anniversary, but also held to celebrate Adelia's 33rd birthday.

5. A series of celebrities were seen attending the special moment for Pasha and Adelia's family.

6. Lesti, Sultan Djorghi, Anissa Trihapsari and Ramzi were seen celebrating the special day.

7. After 11 years of marriage, Adelia and Pasha's family is considered harmonious.

8. Despite their wealth, they looked relaxed while eating at a roadside stall.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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13 Years Later, Here are 8 Pictures of the Past vs Present Cast of the Sitcom 'AWAS ADA SULE' that Bring Nostalgia - They All Still Look Young

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13 Years Later, Here are 8 Pictures of the Past vs Present Cast of the Sitcom 'AWAS ADA SULE' that Bring Nostalgia - They All Still Look Young