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8 Pictures of Nagita Slavina Giving Leftover Food to Her Employees, Has Done It Several Times - Sen Sen and Lala Who Often Finish It

8 Pictures of Nagita Slavina Giving Leftover Food to Her Employees, Has Done It Several Times - Sen Sen and Lala Who Often Finish It

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8 Pictures of Nagita Slavina Giving Leftover Food to Her Employees, Has Done It Several Times - Sen Sen and Lala Who Often Finish It

Talking about celebrities who love culinary, Nagita Slavina can be one of them. In various vlogs, Gigi is often caught tasting food. Unfortunately, the food is not consumed and given to her employees instead. Here are the details. 

8 Pictures of Nagita Slavina Giving Leftover Food to Her Employees, Has Done It Several Times - Sen Sen and Lala Who Often Finish It

Nagita Slavina is known for liking to snack and taste various foods. She can order various menus at once. Often, those foods are not finished.


Recently, a viral moment occurred when she gave her leftover food to her employee. At that time, Gigi was eating a package of kebab.


She seemed to enjoy the kebab so much. Not long after, she decided not to continue eating and gave the kebab to her employee.


"My stomach can't take it anymore," said Gigi as she handed over the remaining kebab. "Oh, I'm so full," she added.


The scoop was picked up and immediately devoured by one of the employees. The moment was quickly criticized. According to netizens, Gigi should not have given someone else food that she had taken a bite of.


It can be said that this is not the first time Gigi has been caught giving leftover food to her employees. In 2018, Gigi ordered meatballs and only ate the broth.


Gigi is not worried because the remaining meatballs will be finished by Lala, her assistant. The meatballs were not eaten separately with a bowl. Netizens expressed their disappointment.


Sen Sen, Raffi's assistant, was also caught eating leftover food from Gigi's bite while on vacation in Korea. "You know, in the end, it's always me. So I don't want to ask for anything, a collector," said Sensen at that time.

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