Previously accused of living in Raffi Ahmad's house, Nisya Ahmad finally proves that she can have a house of her own hard work. This house is considered luxurious with a swimming pool and a stunning design. Curious? Take a look!
Celebrity Activities
Previously accused of living in Raffi Ahmad's house, Nisya Ahmad finally proves that she can have a house of her own hard work. This house is considered luxurious with a swimming pool and a stunning design. Curious? Take a look!
Nisya's house consists of several floors. The main area is on the second floor. Yes, besides the swimming pool, there is an open kitchen there. The kitchen is combined with the dining area.
Right next to the kitchen is the living room. Gray sofas are neatly arranged there. The bright color of the sofa balances out the dark interior of the house.
The living room is equipped with a large flat-screen television. From this living room, anyone can enjoy the freshness of the vertical garden near the swimming pool.
Nisya's house is also equipped with several rooms. There are the children's room and the master bedroom. All of these rooms have private bathrooms. This is a view of one of Nisya's children's rooms.
Nisya's eldest child's room is considered the coolest. With a Valentine theme, this room has a pink atmosphere and wide windows. Several furniture pieces are designed sweetly and super cute.
In addition to a bed, this room is also equipped with a swing and a bookshelf. For the curtains, Nisya chose white color to create a calm atmosphere.
This is what Nisya's room looks like. In addition to a bed and a television, this room is also equipped with a wardrobe area. The dominant colors are gold and black.
Interestingly, it turns out that Nisya's house will be equipped with an elevator. Yes, the elevator just arrived after being delayed at the Suez Canal crossing.
Want to see photos of Nisya Ahmad or other celebrities with equally interesting stories? KLovers must click here!
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