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8 Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid Wearing Hijab at Aurel Hermansyah's Pre-Delivery Religious Gathering, Looking Beautiful

8 Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid Wearing Hijab at Aurel Hermansyah's Pre-Delivery Religious Gathering, Looking Beautiful


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8 Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid Wearing Hijab at Aurel Hermansyah's Pre-Delivery Religious Gathering, Looking Beautiful

Aaliyah Massaid became one of the invited guests at Aurel Hermansyah's pre-delivery religious gathering. She appeared wearing hijab with an all-white outfit that made her shine.

Aaliyah's appearance with hijab received many praises, including from her mother, Reza Artamevia. When Aaliyah was getting ready at home, Reza praised her beautiful daughter with her hijab.

8 Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid Wearing Hijab at Aurel Hermansyah's Pre-Delivery Religious Gathering, Looking Beautiful

Aaliyah Massaid chose to wear an all-white outfit to attend Aurel Hermansyah's pre-delivery religious gathering. Her beautiful appearance made Reza Artamevia praise her youngest daughter.


With all-white clothes, Aaliyah's appearance at Aurel's religious gathering immediately stood out. She looks so elegant in this outfit.


Aurel's religious gathering before the birth of her second child took place with lots of laughter and happiness. Aaliyah is very close to Aurel, who has matched her with Thariq.

8 Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid Wearing Hijab at Aurel Hermansyah's Pre-Delivery Religious Gathering, Looking Beautiful

Aaliyah's appearance with a hijab has received praise from netizens. Since she uploaded the story yesterday, Tuesday (25/10), netizens have been praising her appearance.


With her beautiful appearance when wearing a hijab, netizens say Aaliyah is ready to become a prospective daughter-in-law of the Halilintar family.


Aaliyah also captured some moments at the religious gathering before Aurel's delivery. Including a photo with Kartika Putri.

8 Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid Wearing Hijab at Aurel Hermansyah's Pre-Delivery Religious Gathering, Looking Beautiful

Meanwhile, Reza Artamevia mentioned that her daughter's appearance was very stunning. 'Subhanallah' said Reza when seeing Aaliyah's appearance.

8 Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid Wearing Hijab at Aurel Hermansyah's Pre-Delivery Religious Gathering, Looking Beautiful

Although just joining, Aaliyah also immediately became close with other participants of the religious gathering who attended the event organized by Aurel Hermansyah.