Gus Iqdam continues to go viral and color social media timelines. Not only his lectures, but Gus Iqdam's affection with his wife is also highly praised by the public. Recently, the beginning of their love story was revealed. Here are the details.
Celebrity Activities
Gus Iqdam continues to go viral and color social media timelines. Not only his lectures, but Gus Iqdam's affection with his wife is also highly praised by the public. Recently, the beginning of their love story was revealed. Here are the details.
Gus Iqdam and Ning Nila can be considered a harmonious couple. Even when giving lectures, Gus Iqdam doesn't hesitate to occasionally praise his wife.
In Gus Iqdam's eyes, Ning Nila is not only a beautiful figure but also patient. From simply holding hands to kissing Ning Nila's forehead, all of it is done gladly by Gus Iqdam in front of the congregation.
Recently, their love story was also revealed. Initially, Gus Dalhar, Gus Iqdam's brother, suggested that Gus Iqdam get married soon considering his age of 27 years.
At that time, Gus Iqdam was indeed focused on his congregation, which still numbered 70 people. It was feared that he was too busy with it to the point of forgetting to get married.
Gus Iqdam finally approached his mother and expressed his desire to get married. Gus Iqdam's mother, Hj Nyai Lam'atul Walidah Kholid, admitted that she wanted a son-in-law who is a child of a kyai.
Gus Iqdam's mother wants a son-in-law who is a child of a kyai because it is hoped that they can help take care of their pesantren located in Blitar.
Gus Iqdam also prayed for God to give him a soulmate according to his mother's expectations. Sure enough, he eventually married Ning Nila, who is the daughter of KH Thoha Widodo Zaini Munawwir.
Alm. KH Thoha Widodo Zaini Munawwir is one of the great and highly respected kyai in the Lirboyo Islamic boarding school, Kediri.
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