Being pregnant, it's not surprising that the beautiful actress Irish Bella experiences cravings. This time, she craves beton, which is a boiled jackfruit seed. Let's take a look at how Ammar Zoni tries to find beton!
Celebrity Activities
Being pregnant, it's not surprising that the beautiful actress Irish Bella experiences cravings. This time, she craves beton, which is a boiled jackfruit seed. Let's take a look at how Ammar Zoni tries to find beton!
That day, for some reason, the pregnant woman who is usually called Ibel suddenly wanted to eat beton. Both she and Ammar didn't know how to pronounce beton.
Yes, both of them didn't know the name of that food is beton. What they remembered is that they had tasted that food during last month's fasting. Ammar even got a headache trying to remember its name.
He called his mother to find out about beton, but the effort was in vain because she didn't answer. Ammar then went to his mother's house and finally found out that the food in the form of large seeds is called beton.
In a panic and wanting to fulfill Ibel's wish as soon as possible, Ammar forgot to wear sandals. That night, he went around the city looking for jackfruit. Yes, beton is indeed the name of the jackfruit seeds.
Ammar entered the fruit market. He visited almost every fruit vendor, but none of them sold jackfruit. This muscular actor almost gave up.
The journey continued until Ammar finally found a jackfruit vendor on the side of the road. When he successfully bought it, he showed the jackfruit to Ibel through a video call.
Upon arriving home, she immediately asked her assistant to boil the jackfruit seeds. Once cooked, Ibel immediately tasted it while it was still warm. She was definitely very happy!
However, Ibel only wanted to eat one seed. Seeing that, Ammar instantly got very annoyed. He went through all the trouble to find the jackfruit seeds, but his wife only wanted to eat one seed. The rest was eaten by Ammar himself.
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