Wulan Guritno recently had a birthday. The moment was celebrated with a grand party. Several artists were seen in attendance. Aming and Bunga Citra Lestari were there. Let's take a look at their excitement!
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Wulan Guritno recently had a birthday. The moment was celebrated with a grand party. Several artists were seen in attendance. Aming and Bunga Citra Lestari were there. Let's take a look at their excitement!
Happiness fills Wulan Guritno's heart. She recently had a birthday. The special moment was celebrated with a grand party.
Several artists were seen in attendance. Besides Nia Ramadhani who came with Ardi Bakrie, Indy Barends also livened up the party. She was chosen to be the MC for the night.
Next, there is Nirina Zubir who appears to be enjoying the music while greeting fellow artists. She looks beautiful that night wearing a black outfit.
No less exciting than Nirina, there is Olla Ramlan who looks neat wearing a combination of black and white outfits. She was also seen dancing lively following the rhythm.
Gading Marten didn't miss the event. He greeted Ariyo Wahab, Indra Birowo, and Sandhy Sondoro. They were seen having a lively conversation in the corner of the room.
Shalom Razade, Wulan Guritno's eldest daughter, was also present that night. She looked graceful and cheerful when greeted by Indy Barends.
Aming appeared so total. He also became one of the dancers accompanying Wulan's arrival. In addition to the blink-blink costume, Aming also wore a pair of sunglasses.
Bunga Citra Lestari also attended that night. She came with her husband, Tiko Aryawardhana. BCL looked so fresh in a white dress.
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