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Spacious with Balinese Architecture, Here's a Portrait of Mahalini House Terrace Used for Mepamit Traditional Ceremony

Spacious with Balinese Architecture, Here's a Portrait of Mahalini House Terrace Used for Mepamit Traditional Ceremony Potret Mahalini and Rizky Febian (Source: Instagram/@mahaliniraharja) - The love story between Mahalini Raharja and Rizky Febian reached its peak when they held the traditional Mepamit ceremony in the Adat Padonan Village, Kuta Utara District, Badung Regency, Bali on Sunday (5/5).

The Mepamit ceremony took place at Mahalini's own house, where she was the host. As a talented woman from Bali, Mahalini strongly holds onto Bali's traditions and culture in the preparation of their wedding.

Not only the attention towards the bride and groom-to-be was highlighted, but Mahalini's house also became the center of attention for the community. The design of her house is filled with typical Balinese ornaments, so some people call it the Bali palace. From statues, natural stones, red brick walls, to wooden carvings that adorn the bale and special pendopo as a place of worship in the front yard.

Curious about the appearance of Mahalini's terrace, which was used as the location for the Mepamit ceremony? Here is a summary of the photos taken on Monday (06/05/2024).

1. Dominance of Red Bricks

Strong aesthetics are reflected in the architectural style of Mahalini Raharja's house, highlighted by the dominant presence of thick red bricks.

2. Spacious with Multi-Level Roofs

Bali's architectural design stands out in the expansive buildings of her house. The structure of the gate's roof reflects this style clearly.

3. Front Yard Decorated with Plants and Bale-bale

Upon entering her house, the first step is not to go directly to the main room. Instead, you need to cross the front yard decorated with various plants and bale-bale.

4. Rich with Balinese Building Characteristics

Interestingly, in traditional Balinese buildings, natural elements dominate; wood and red brick are the main choices for building materials. This is also true for Mahalini's residence, which highlights the strong characteristics of Balinese architecture.

5. Bale and Pendopo Spread in Various Parts of the House

When entering the core area of Mahalini's house, guests will find bale or pendopo scattered in various corners of the house.

6. Pendopo with the Use of Wood Materials

In one of the pendopo rooms in Mahalini's house, wood is used on every side, while plants adorn the area along the fence.

7. Filled with Plants and Traditional Balinese Carvings

The area spread on the opposite side of the terrace features decorations made of various plants and traditional Balinese carvings. Even the details of the carvings enhance the beauty of the flower pots.

8. Decorated with Golden Statue Accents

The small staircase leading into Mahalini's house is located near the entrance. Two statues adorn the carved door with golden accents there.

9. Building Placement According to Wind Direction

Mahalini's house in Bali is known to be designed according to local traditions. Each building in the house is placed following the wind direction. For illustration, the kitchen is located on the West side.

10. Place of Worship Area

The place of worship for Mahalini's family is located on their front porch. Balinese culture states that the architecture of the house should follow the wind direction and the axis of Mount Agung, a sacred place for gods and ancestors. This principle is also applied in Mahalini's house.

11. Frequently Asked Questions by Netizens About Mahalini

12. What is Mahalini's Religion?

It is known that Rizky Febian follows Islam, while Mahalini practices Hinduism. Although it is considered that the dividing wall between them is too high, they have shown commitment since their dating period. The difference in religious beliefs does not seem to be a barrier to their love relationship.

13. How Long Have Rizky Febian and Mahalini Been in a Relationship?

After being in a relationship for two years, Rizky Febian and Mahalini made a sacred vow of marriage. Their love story began on February 7, 2022, when they decided to officially date.

14. When Did Mahalini Get Married?

The wedding ceremony between Rizky Febian and Mahalini is planned to take place on Friday, May 10, 2024, at Raffles Hotel Jakarta.

15. What is the Mepamit Ceremony?

The traditional ceremony with Balinese Hindu customs, namely the mepamit procession, is held by Mahalini's family at their home located in the Tibubeneng area, North Kuta, Badung, Bali. Only Mahalini participates in the ceremony, while other family members observe as a representation of self-purification and seeking blessings from ancestors before the wedding.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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