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8 Portraits of Dede Yusuf's Harmonious Small Family, Often Vacationing Abroad

8 Portraits of Dede Yusuf's Harmonious Small Family, Often Vacationing Abroad Dede Yusuf's Family / Credit: Instagram - sendyyusuf - Since entering the world of politics, senior actor Dede Yusuf has rarely been seen. Apparently, the 53-year-old man is now enjoying a peaceful and happy life with his small family. As is known, Dede married a beautiful woman named Sendy and has been blessed with 2 beautiful daughters who have grown up.

What is the current life of Dede Yusuf's small family like? Slide the photos below..

1. Many of you may not know that Dede Yusuf now has 2 beautiful daughters.

2. Dede Yusuf is indeed one of the artists who doesn't like to show off his personal life too much.

3. Dede is now pursuing a career in politics. Despite being busy, he always makes time for his family.

4. Dede often takes his family on vacations abroad.

5. Recently, during a vacation in New Zealand, Dede and his family met Tantowi Yahya.

6. There are times when Dede cannot leave his work, so his wife, Sendy, takes their children on vacation.

7. Dede now lives a comfortable life, so it's not surprising that he can live a prosperous life with his family.

8. Dede's family is often labeled as family goals by netizens. Do KLovers agree?


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