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8 Portraits of Dewi Gita and Armand Maulana's Household 29 Years of Marriage, Appears Calm Apparently There Was an Affair

8 Portraits of Dewi Gita and Armand Maulana's Household 29 Years of Marriage, Appears Calm Apparently There Was an Affair Portraits of Dewi Gita and Armand Maulana's household (credit: - The marriage seemed calm, Dewi Gita revealed a surprising fact about her household with Armand Maulana. The artist, born in 1970, admitted that their marriage was once colored by the presence of a third person.

This fact was revealed when Dewi Gita appeared on a podcast with Ashanty. The singer of the song Ternyata told the story of her marriage's ups and downs with Armand Maulana, who has been married for 29 years. She mentioned that there was once a third person in her husband's heart, which was written in a song composed by Armand Maulana.

However, they managed to overcome that phase and maintain their household until now. So, what are the portraits of Dewi Gita and Armand Maulana's household like? Find out more here, KLovers.


1. Already 29 Years of Marriage

Dewi Gita and Armand Maulana are known as a celebrity couple who have been together since their marriage in 1994. Now their marriage has entered its 29th year. It's no wonder many people idolize this couple because they are far from scandalous gossip. Through their social media accounts, this couple, who both have careers in the music industry, often upload their romantic moments together.


2. Blessed with a Child After 7 Years of Marriage

The happiness of this couple became complete when they were blessed with their first child in 2001. Yes, it took 7 years after their marriage for Dewi Gita and Armand Maulana to have their first child, named Naja Dewi Maulana. Now, the singer of the song '11 Januari' is already 22 years old.


3. Turns Out There Was a Third Person

Not many people know, apparently Dewi Gita and Armand Maulana's marriage once involved a third person. This was revealed by Dewi Gita in a podcast with Ashanty, where she shared the ups and downs of her marriage. According to the 53-year-old artist's confession, the issue occurred in the year 2000, before they had children.

"I was empty for 8 years (not pregnant), in the year 2000 there was a big problem, ego couldn't be put aside. I asked for 1 year, even if we separated, there was no resentment. I didn't want any resentment between me and my partner." Dewi Gita said, as quoted from Ngobrol Asix


4. A Song Was Made

Another surprising thing was revealed by Dewi Gita when her husband turned out to have created a song with lyrics that contained the meaning of his expression for someone. The song was sung directly by Dewi Gita even though she previously did not realize that the lyrics were intended for someone else.

In the year 2000, my album Kegaiban Biru was released, all of which were created by Armand. He composed the lyrics, if you want to read them one by one, it reflects his situation at that time. And I sang it. In there, there are words 'Forgive Me for Being Unfaithful' 'You're Far Away' for those who are far away from him. I sang it. Even though the song was not for me. I only realized it later, huh, this is crazy." Dewi Gita revealed.


5. Almost Thought of Separating

Experiencing a major problem, Dewi Gita and Armand Maulana's marriage almost fell apart. Moreover, Dewi Gita asked for one year to think and calm herself. Surrendering and accepting whatever happens in her marriage, Dewi Gita entrusts everything to the Creator.

"The answer at that time was separation. Okay, fine, that's my fate with him. When I sincerely surrendered to Allah, (Armand Maulana) said I could leave this house whenever I want. It's up to you, please go if your happiness is out there, I can't hold on. But he didn't leave, instead I'm the one who hasn't left until now." Dewi Gita said.


6. Successfully Maintaining a Household Until Now

It is undeniable for Dewi Gita that every household has its own problems. The same goes for marriage, which is like a school that never ends because there are many things to be tested in that phase. However, both of them have successfully maintained their marriage by introspecting themselves and never giving up.

"I don't blame everything on Armand. I also blame myself, my ego was high, I was on a roll, feeling like I had more money than my husband, so I forgot to take care of him." said Dewi Gita


7. A More Harmonious Household

Successfully overcoming household shocks, Dewi Gita and Armand Maulana now have a harmonious married life. For her, past events have become a journey of life full of lessons. In fact, Dewi Gita has once told her daughter about the incident as a message and valuable lesson for her future daughter.


8. Full of Happiness with the Child

The married life of this celebrity couple is even happier because their daughter has successfully completed her studies abroad. It is a proud and happy news when Dewi Gita and Armand Maulana witnessed their daughter's recent graduation in England. They both allow their daughter to choose her own career path.

That is the portrait of Dewi Gita and Armand Maulana's married life, who have been married for almost 30 years. What do you think, KLovers?




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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