Rizky Febian and Mahalini are known to be soon stepping onto the wedding aisle. They also had a pre-wedding photoshoot. This time, they had it on the beach. They both wore traditional Balinese clothing. Here are the details.
Celebrity Activities
Rizky Febian and Mahalini are known to be soon stepping onto the wedding aisle. They also had a pre-wedding photoshoot. This time, they had it on the beach. They both wore traditional Balinese clothing. Here are the details.
Happiness is currently embracing the hearts of this favorite couple of netizens. They will soon become husband and wife. The pre-wedding session has already taken place.
In this pre-wedding session, they both wore traditional Balinese clothing. They were very dedicated, even wearing accessories such as headpieces, scarves, and keris (traditional Balinese dagger).
Not only that, Mahalini was also seen carrying a string of Jasmine flowers. These Jasmine flowers made her appearance even more elegant and magical.
Their prewedding photos have caught the attention of netizens. Many have prayed for the smoothness of all preparations until the big day arrives.
Previously, several ceremonies were held leading up to the wedding. In Bali, Mahalini held the traditional Mepamit ceremony. The event was sacred and attended by Sule and his family.
After that, Rizky Febian held a religious gathering before getting married at Sule's house. The moment was solemn and filled with emotions. Sule herself was seen shedding tears.
As is known, Mahalini and Rizky Febian have been in a romantic relationship for quite some time. Despite their different religions, their relationship remains strong.
According to Viva.co.id, Rizky Febian's family, represented by his uncle, Deny Uwaw, stated that Mahalini has converted to Islam.
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