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9 Celebrity Styles During Online Graduation, There's Beautiful Pregnant Felicya Angelista - Rafi Pangestu Who Looks Handsome

9 Celebrity Styles During Online Graduation, There's Beautiful Pregnant Felicya Angelista - Rafi Pangestu Who Looks Handsome

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9 Celebrity Styles During Online Graduation, There's Beautiful Pregnant Felicya Angelista - Rafi Pangestu Who Looks Handsome

Because the pandemic that shows no signs of ending, many activities cannot be done as usual. Including graduation ceremonies which now have to be held virtually. These celebrities also experienced online graduation process. What do they look like? Check out their photos here!


Kesha Ratuliu successfully obtained a bachelor's degree in Communication Studies at the end of 2020. She looked so happy because she finally finished her studies.


On her graduation moment, Asila Maisa looked beautiful in a cream-colored kebaya. The beautiful girl who is involved in the modeling world was also accompanied by Ramzi and Avi Basalamah during the online graduation.


Felicya Angelista is very proud and happy when she was able to graduate while pregnant with her first child. Although it was held online, Feli is still happy because she was able to finish her studies.

9 Celebrity Styles During Online Graduation, There's Beautiful Pregnant Felicya Angelista - Rafi Pangestu Who Looks Handsome

Ify Alyssa dedicates her graduation to her mother and father. She looked beautiful wearing a red robe at her graduation moment in late 2020.


Accompanied by her two siblings, Ria Ricis showed her bright smile during the virtual graduation ceremony. Ricis' graduation moment was greeted with joy by her family because she finally completed her studies after 7 years.


After 3 years of studying at the University of Melbourne Bachelor of Commerce, Daffa Wardana finally graduated in August 2020. The feeling of gratitude and happiness remains unchanged even though the graduation could only be done online.

9 Celebrity Styles During Online Graduation, There's Beautiful Pregnant Felicya Angelista - Rafi Pangestu Who Looks Handsome

Tengku Nadira is a little disappointed because her hope to experience the graduation ceremony in general cannot be done. However, her graduation is still one of the best moments in her life.


Rafi Pangestu looks handsome in a photo with his parents on his graduation day. He successfully earned a bachelor's degree in management from ESQ Business School. Even though it was only held at home, Rafi's graduation still felt so festive.

9 Celebrity Styles During Online Graduation, There's Beautiful Pregnant Felicya Angelista - Rafi Pangestu Who Looks Handsome

Just like Feli, Nadya Mustika Rahayu was also pregnant when she graduated from STIKES Aisyiyah Bandung. Rizki DA's wife graduated from the midwifery department.