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9 Latest Photos of Amel Carla Looking More Beautiful and Slimmer, Astonishing

9 Latest Photos of Amel Carla Looking More Beautiful and Slimmer, Astonishing

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9 Latest Photos of Amel Carla Looking More Beautiful and Slimmer, Astonishing

The cute appearance with adorable bangs has always been attached to Amel Carla. But who would have thought that the actress who once played in the sitcom Suami-Suami Takut Istri has now successfully shed the image of being a child actress. Now Amel appears even more beautiful with a different appearance.


Amel Carla, who used to look adorable with bangs and chubby cheeks, is now a young adult who will soon turn 19 years old.


Exploring Amel's Instagram account, this beautiful girl born on July 21, 2001 often uploads snapshots of her daily life.

9 Latest Photos of Amel Carla Looking More Beautiful and Slimmer, Astonishing

Main bareng kucing kesayangan, tampaknya jadi salah satu aktivitas favorit Amel. Apalagi di kondisi yang mengharuskan kita di rumah aja kayak sekarang.


Jarang muncul di layar kaca, ternyata Amel sedang disibukkan dengan kegiatannya sebagai mahasiswa.

9 Latest Photos of Amel Carla Looking More Beautiful and Slimmer, Astonishing

Amel Carla diketahui jadi salah satu mahasiswa di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia.


Meski sering mengunggah foto ketika dirinya tanpa make up, kecantikan natural Amel Carla nggak jarang mengundang banyak pujian dari netizen.


Dari sederet foto terbaru yang ia unggah di instagram, Amel terlihat lebih kurus.

9 Latest Photos of Amel Carla Looking More Beautiful and Slimmer, Astonishing

She once appeared different and looked more mature when wearing makeup like this. Stunning!


It seems that Amel Carla still often styles her hair with bangs like she did in her childhood. The difference is, now Amel is even more beautiful.