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9 Photos of Kiwil Accompanying His Stepchild's Wedding, Going Through the Siraman and Sungkeman with Deep Emotion

9 Photos of Kiwil Accompanying His Stepchild's Wedding, Going Through the Siraman and Sungkeman with Deep Emotion

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9 Photos of Kiwil Accompanying His Stepchild's Wedding, Going Through the Siraman and Sungkeman with Deep Emotion

Good news comes from Kiwil and his family. The comedian, who has not been heard from for a long time, is known to have just accompanied his stepchild Ringgi Regilda, who married a man named Faizal Eka Nugraha.

Ringgi is the child of Venti Figianti, Kiwil's fourth wife. Kiwil is known to have married Venti when she was a widow with two children at that time. Now, he has taken on the role of guardian, accompanying his wife to give blessings and escorting his child to undergo marriage with the chosen man of his stepchild. Let's take a look at what Kiwil looks like while accompanying his child at the wedding!


The Sundanese traditional siraman ceremony performed by Regilda, Kiwil's stepchild, began with a recitation and study. It was then followed by Ngecagkeun aisan.


This ceremony symbolizes the parents escorting their child, with the mother carrying her child in a cloth wrap. Kiwil is seen holding a candle, symbolizing guidance for his child's future path in life.


The ceremony continued with Ngaras or washing the feet of the parents as an act of devotion. Kiwil's wife appeared unable to hold back her tears of emotion.


Kiwil was seen comforting his wife, who was sobbing with emotion. He also sincerely gave his blessing and advice to Regilda.


The event continued to Sungkeman, asking for blessings from both parents. Kiwil, as a parent, also seemed to give advice and hug Regilda, his stepdaughter.


It continued to the process where the parents poured holy water onto the bride-to-be. This also carries a symbolic meaning of the parents' blessing for their child in the context of religion. 


After that, the parents mixed prayer water sourced from 7 springs and 7 types of flowers for the bride-to-be. The pouring ceremony began with the mother, followed by the father.


Then it continued with Sawer, Sinjang, and Money. The three of them were seen throwing coins to be spread and given to those around.


The final ceremony, where Kiwil along with his wife and son carry Regilda as a final parental responsibility to the child, who will be handed over to her husband.  
