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9 Pictures of Citra Kirana When She is Pregnant with Her First Child, Very Close with Her Three Siblings

9 Pictures of Citra Kirana When She is Pregnant with Her First Child, Very Close with Her Three Siblings Citra Kirana and Her Three Siblings (credit: - Beautiful actress Citra Kirana is currently happy to be pregnant with her first child at an older age. Being the youngest daughter of four siblings, it's no wonder that Citra Kirana receives a lot of love from her closest people, including her husband and three siblings.

Citra Kirana is known to be very close to her three siblings. Various moments of togetherness with her siblings are often uploaded through her personal Instagram account, showing the closeness of the four beautiful siblings.

Especially when Ciki got married to Rezky Aditya in 2019, her three siblings accompanied and supported her until the end. Even when Citra Kirana is pregnant like now, her siblings also show their love for their youngest sibling, as seen from Ciki's latest post.

Her three siblings had already started their own families, and at that time Citra Kirana accompanied them. In fact, Ciki and her third sibling are also currently pregnant with their first child, with a not too far age gap. Compact and sibling goals, that's how netizens describe the togetherness of Citra Kirana with her three siblings, as seen on her personal Instagram account.

Curious about what the portraits look like? Here are 9 portraits of Citra Kirana's togetherness with her three siblings, showing their compactness and closeness.



1. Very Close

As it is known, Citra Kirana is the youngest child among four siblings. Her first sister is named Fitri Agustina Siregar, her second sister is Christina Ladya Siregar, and her third sister is Erica Putri Siregar.

Although they are all married, the three of them often spend time together by gathering or hanging out, just like in this picture. It is even revealed by her second sister in the caption of her personal Instagram account, Christina Ladya Siregar, that when the four of them gather, they can't stop laughing together.

2. Jadi Adik Kesayangan

Being the youngest of four siblings, it's no wonder that Citra Kirana becomes the favorite little sister for her three older siblings. Especially now that she is pregnant and getting closer to the process of giving birth to her first child.

Of course, Citra Kirana feels the same way and loves her three older siblings very much. Various forms of support and affection are often seen through their personal Instagram accounts. Moments of togetherness are also often captured on camera, like this portrait. So sweet, right KLovers?

3. Sama-Sama Cantik

The beautiful faces of Citra Kirana and her three older siblings are undeniably stunning. Especially in close-up selfies like this, their beautiful faces shine even more brightly. The same sentiment is expressed by several netizens who say that all four of them are very beautiful. Yes, even without heavy makeup, their charming faces successfully capture the attention of netizens.

4. Mutual Support and Love

It is known that Citra Kirana and her three older sisters support each other in various situations. Especially when Citra Kirana decided to marry Rezky Aditya, she also revealed to her three sisters.

Although they were initially surprised to hear that Ciki would marry Rezky and disagreed, in the end, all three of them gave their blessings for Ciki to be with Rezky at the wedding. Ciki was even questioned by her three sisters because of their deep affection for their youngest sister.

"I was questioned by my sisters. And when we were talking together, they told me, 'Ta, please open your eyes. You shouldn't get close to Rezky,'" said Citra Kirana, as quoted from Ciky Citra Rezky's YouTube channel.

5. Stylish to the Max

Not only beautiful, Citra Kirana and her family also have a stylish fashion like in this portrait. Ciki and Erica Putri look enchanting wearing their cool gamis. The same goes for their stylish and elegant older sister who wears a black outfit and cutbray pants, as well as their beloved mother who looks just as cool as her three children.

6. Gathering with Family

Gathering with family is the most enjoyable time for Citra Kirana and her family. Especially since all four of them are married and have partners, adding to the liveliness and fun when spending time together.

Look at this portrait, Ciki and her family are so close-knit and happy. The same sentiment is also expressed by their mother who feels grateful and happy to be able to gather with her beloved children.

"Alhamdulillah, able to gather again with my children," wrote Citra Kirana's mother in the caption @yanny_christiany.

7. Pregnant Together with the Third Sister

As it is known, Citra Kirana's third sister, Erica Putri, is also currently pregnant with her first child at the same time as Ciki. They and their sister are very close, spending various moments together during this pregnancy.

One of these portraits, the two of them look very compact, taking a photo with their beloved mother. Their baby bumps are getting bigger and they are ready to wait for the birth of their first child.

8. Even More Charming

Going through pregnancy is certainly the most memorable moment for women. Especially for Citra Kirana and Erica Putri, who are currently pregnant with their first child. The appearance of Ciki and their two sisters is even more charming and captivating, as seen in this portrait. Both Ciki and Erica are even very close, touching their growing baby bumps.

9. Vacation Together

The togetherness of spending vacation time together is also done by the Citra Kirana family, as seen in this portrait. The large family spent time vacationing in Bumi Sangkuriang Bandung some time ago. Surely the closeness, familiarity, and solidarity of the Ciki family are getting stronger and more compact, right KLovers?

Well, those are 9 portraits of Citra Kirana's togetherness during her pregnancy with her three siblings, very compact and they become the favorite younger sibling.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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