Kapanlagi.com - Still remember baby Tatan? Yes, the cute little celebgram who went viral a few years ago is now growing bigger. Even Tatan is known to have started attending elementary school at the age of 7. Tatan's cute and adorable face still remains until now.
Tatan's funny and adorable actions a few years ago successfully captivated the public's attention. Tatan even went viral and gained more popularity and recognition. His chubby body, chubby cheeks, and intelligence made Tatan a subject of fascination back then.
Since then, Tatan has become a successful young celebgram with more than two million followers on social media. Like a celebgram, Tatan receives many endorsements and uploads on his personal social media account.
Four years have passed since Tatan went viral in 2016, and now Tatan is growing bigger and still adorable. Entering the age of 7, Tatan is even known to have started sitting in elementary school. Various funny behaviors and activities of Tatan are often shared through his personal social media account.
Curious about what his portrait looks like? Let's take a look at some of Tatan's latest portraits, who is now growing up.
1. Already in Elementary School

(credit: Instagram.com/jrsugianto/)
The little celebrity named Jonathan R. Sugianto, or affectionately called Tatan, was born in 2013. He is currently 7 years old and is known to have started attending elementary school (SD). This can be seen from Tatan's latest post, which shows a photo of him wearing a red and white uniform complete with a tie, as seen in this picture.
"Someone is already in elementary school," as mentioned in the caption by @jrsugianto.
2. Growing Bigger

(credit: Instagram.com/jrsugianto/)
Surely you still remember the cute face and funny behavior of Tatan in some of his viral videos in the past. At that time, he was known to be a toddler, but now Tatan has grown bigger as seen in this picture.
Some netizens even mentioned how time flies and couldn't believe that Tatan has grown so much. Not only that, the manager of Tatan's personal Instagram account also said the same thing, that he has grown bigger now.
"I can't believe how big Tatan has become!! Do you remember when you used to love dancing?," wrote the Instagram admin in the caption @jrsugianto.
3. New Appearance

(credit: Instagram.com/jrsugianto/)
Tatan is now seen more often wearing glasses like in this picture. This little celebrity child's new appearance is even more adorable and cute. Moreover, some time ago Tatan was seen with a unique hairstyle, as seen in this picture. The hairstyle is so unique with a completely shaved back and a little hair left near the forehead.
4. School Focus

(credit: Instagram.com/jrsugianto/)
Once rarely made funny videos like before, some fans and netizens asked about Tatan's condition. Some even miss the funny antics of this little boy in every adorable moment.
But apparently the reason Tatan rarely makes funny videos like before is because he is focusing on school. He is now even fluent in English, as seen in vlog videos on his personal Youtube channel.
5. Still Funny and Adorable

(credit: Instagram.com/jrsugianto/)
Tatan's chubby cheeks and fluffy hair, which have been his trademark since the beginning of his popularity as a child celebrity, still remain until now. He hasn't changed much even as he gets older. Look at this picture, it's still the same as baby Tatan who went viral a few years ago.
6. Being Together with Kakak (Elder Brother)

(credit: Instagram.com/jrsugianto/)
As it is known, the first time baby Tatan went viral was from a video uploaded by his elder brother. At that time, his brother named Geraldo Sugianto uploaded a short video showing Tatan's intelligence in imitating animal sounds.
Since then, Tatan has become popular and well-known to the public, even being invited to several private television stations. It's no wonder that the bond between Tatan and his brother is so close, as shown in this picture. Their various moments together are often shared through their respective social media accounts.
7. Tatan's Cool Style

(credit: Instagram.com/jrsugianto/)
Tatan looks even cooler and smarter wearing various stylish and cool outfits, like in this picture where he wears a complete casual outfit with a black wristwatch. Isn't it so cool? Yes, Tatan often wears wristwatches with different models and variations.
8. Cute Wearing Pilot Costume

(credit: Instagram.com/jrsugianto/)
Like any other child, Tatan also didn't forget to wear a number of unique and adorable costumes. One of them is in this portrait where Tatan wears a complete pilot outfit with a cool hat. It's really cool to see Tatan in this picture. Do you think it's suitable, KLovers?
9. Always Cheerful and Happy

(credit: Instagram.com/jrsugianto/)
Tatan is known as a cheerful and happy little kid. He even entertains everyone with his funny antics and intelligence. This can be seen in every personal post of Tatan, which is always filled with his cheerful face. When looking at Tatan's happy face, everyone feels happy.
So those are the 9 latest portraits of Tatan, a young celebrity who is growing up and already attending elementary school. Still cute and adorable, right KLovers?
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.