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9 Pictures of the Contents of Shandy Aulia's Child's Wardrobe, Tips on Baby Clothes - Little Claire Makes a Mistake Focus

9 Pictures of the Contents of Shandy Aulia's Child's Wardrobe, Tips on Baby Clothes - Little Claire Makes a Mistake Focus

Celebrity Children

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9 Pictures of the Contents of Shandy Aulia's Child's Wardrobe, Tips on Baby Clothes - Little Claire Makes a Mistake Focus

Having a baby who is less than a year old is adorable. Various types of clothes with various shapes and motifs are certainly tempting for mothers. However, it is important to remember that babies grow quickly and make clothes no longer wearable. Therefore, Shandy Aulia shares tips for choosing baby clothes when unpacking little Claire's room. Take a look!

9 Pictures of the Contents of Shandy Aulia's Child's Wardrobe, Tips on Baby Clothes - Little Claire Makes a Mistake Focus

Claire, the first daughter of Shandy Aulia and David Herbowo, has a lot of adorable clothes in her wardrobe. As she grows older, some clothes no longer fit.


When unpacking Claire's wardrobe, Shandy Aulia also shared some tips about baby clothes, including essential items and how to wash clothes as she usually does.


An essential item to have and can be bought in large quantities is neutral-colored sleepwear. Besides being comfortable, this clothing will be frequently worn on various occasions.


On the other hand, jumpsuit-style clothes do not need to be owned in large quantities because they quickly become unused due to the child's rapid growth and comfort considerations.

9 Pictures of the Contents of Shandy Aulia's Child's Wardrobe, Tips on Baby Clothes - Little Claire Makes a Mistake Focus

While Shandy Aulia was busy explaining tips about baby clothes, little Claire wearing a white headband distractedly put the clothes from the pile into her mouth.


Based on Shandy Aulia's experience, clothing with dress models is not recommended for newborn babies. Besides being rarely worn, newborn dresses also quickly become too small.

9 Pictures of the Contents of Shandy Aulia's Child's Wardrobe, Tips on Baby Clothes - Little Claire Makes a Mistake Focus

For washing baby clothes, Shandy usually uses special baby detergent. Meanwhile, some special items indeed need to be taken to a laundry service that provides baby clothes washing.


As if seeking attention from her mother, little Claire, who has started to crawl actively, becomes fussy and whiny. Shandy Aulia quickly picks up Claire and comforts her until she calms down.


Entering the age of 6 months, many baby clothes no longer fit Claire. Therefore, Shandy Aulia sorted through the contents of the wardrobe and donated them to those in need.