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9 Portraits of Arzeti Bilbina's Children who are Far from the Spotlight, Now They Have Grown Up - The Eldest Son is a Prospective TNI Member

9 Portraits of Arzeti Bilbina's Children who are Far from the Spotlight, Now They Have Grown Up - The Eldest Son is a Prospective TNI Member Arzeti Bilbina's Children (credit: - Arzeti Bilbina is now more active as a politician. Often sharing pictures of her activities on social media, unfortunately, the 48-year-old woman doesn't reveal much about her personal life. This includes her 3 grown-up children.

They are Bagas Wicaksono Rahadi Setiawan, Dimas Aryo Baskoro Rahadi Setiawan, and Gendis Setiawan. Here are some pictures of them that have not been widely seen.


1. This is one portrait of the family uploaded by Arzeti Bilbina on her personal Instagram. Her three children are already grown up.

2. Her eldest son, Bagas Wicaksono Rahadi Setiawan, will turn 17 on March 9th.

3. Meanwhile, Dimas Aryo Baskoro Rahadi Setiawan, Arzeti's second child, will soon be 16 years old.

4. Arzeti's daughter, Gendis, just turned 14 on January 2nd.

5. Although she doesn't upload many photos with her children, Arzeti always includes sweet messages in every post with her loved ones.

6. Arzeti always expresses how happy she is to have 3 beloved children who always pay attention to her.

7. Arzeti's first child, Bagas, is said to follow in his late grandfather's footsteps as a civil servant.

8. Bagas chooses to enter the cadet school in Magelang to fulfill his dream of becoming a member of the Indonesian Air Force.

9. As a mother, Arzeti fully supports her handsome son's aspirations. Now Bagas looks more handsome and taller than his mama.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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