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9 Portraits of Togetherness Amy Qanita with Her Grandchildren, Accompanying Play - Putting the Twins to Sleep

9 Portraits of Togetherness Amy Qanita with Her Grandchildren, Accompanying Play - Putting the Twins to Sleep Amy Qanita and Grandchildren (credit: instagram/amy_r_qanita) - Not only known as Raffi Ahmad's mother, the name Amy Qanita is now also known as a celebrity. Lately, Amy Qanita has appeared on television as a presenter hosting a show.

Appearing ageless, Amy Qanita, who is now 55 years old, looks younger than her age. However, this mother of three already has six grandchildren.

The portraits of Amy Qanita, who always looks beautiful and stylish while taking care of her grandchildren, have attracted attention. Here are some portraits of Amy Qanita's togetherness with her grandchildren, gathered from her personal Instagram account @amy_r_qanita.

1. Beloved Grandmother Figure

Amy Qanita, who has always been seen as stylish, is actually a beloved grandmother figure to her grandchildren. Amy often shares pictures of her time spent with her six grandchildren on her Instagram posts. From the photos she shares, it is clear that the grandmother adores her grandchildren and vice versa.  

2. Celebrating Grandchild's Birthday

Whenever one of her grandchildren celebrates their birthday, Amy Qanita, as a grandmother, never fails to give her congratulations. Not only does she give her well wishes, but the mother of Syahnaz Sadiqah also offers her best prayers for her grandchild. This is one of the pictures of Amy Qanita with her grandchildren on the birthday of Nisya Ahmad's son named Atqia.

3. Accompanying Grandchild Shopping

Aside from birthday celebrations, Amy Qanita is also seen close to her grandchildren in several moments. One of them is during shopping moments. Like in this photo, Amy Qanita is seen with her two granddaughters, Mikaela Atqia Rosadi and Aeshya Balqes Rosadi. The two little girls are seen enjoying the moment with their grandmother at a shopping center.

4. Taking Care of Granddaughters

Not only during shopping moments, Amy Qanita also posted a portrait of her taking care of her granddaughter. In fact, in this portrait, Amy also includes her adopted daughter's granddaughter. Posing while carrying a bag, Amy Qanita looks united with her three granddaughters.

5. Accompanying Grandsons to Play

Unlike the previous two portraits that show the closeness of Amy Qanita with her granddaughters, this time Amy is seen very close to her two grandsons. The Bandung native woman is seen hugging her two grandsons who are riding toy motorcycles.

6. Very Happy with the Presence of the Twins

Amy Qanita's happiness as a grandmother has increased with the birth of a pair of twin grandchildren from the marriage of Syahnaz Sadiqah and Jeje Govinda. Since the birth of the twins, Amy Qanita has often uploaded pictures of her together with the twins named Zayn and Zunaira.

7. Carrying the Twins

Amy Qanita is often seen carrying the twins, Zayn and Zunaira. As if wanting to treat both of her beloved grandchildren equally, Amy takes turns carrying them. In this picture, Amy is seen carrying her twin grandchildren with so much love.

8. Putting the Twins to Sleep

Not only carrying them, Amy Qanita was also seen trying to put both of her twin grandchildren to sleep alternately. Amy Qanita did it with patience and love. Syahnaz and Jeje's two precious children also looked very comfortable in their grandmother's embrace.

9. Celebrating Eid with Grandchildren

One of the moments of togetherness between Amy Qanita and her grandchildren recently happened during the Eid celebration. Together with her extended family, Amy Qanita celebrated Eid at the residence of Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina. During the Eid moment, Amy and her grandchildren were seen wearing matching clothes, showing their unity. In addition, the hand position when giving greetings further enhances the closeness between the grandmother and her grandchildren.

Those are some of the 9 pictures of togetherness and closeness between Amy Qanita and her grandchildren, which clearly show love. Hopefully, it can inspire KLovers to be closer to their families.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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