Kapanlagi.com - Having a beautiful face and popularity is certainly the dream of some female celebrities. For that reason, many women then do various treatments to look even more beautiful. In addition, they also create many works to gain wider recognition.
However, for some female celebrities, it seems that being beautiful and popular is not enough. Therefore, they also engage in various social actions to help others. Often, the things done by these celebrities invite sympathy and inspire their fans.
Curious to know who are the beautiful celebrities with a high social spirit? Here are some portraits, compiled from various sources.
1. Cinta Laura

credit: instagram/claurakiehl)
The first beautiful celebrity with a high social soul is Cinta Laura. It turns out that Cinta Laura's family has a foundation called 'Yayasan Sukaseno'. This foundation is engaged in education in remote areas. Through her family's foundation, this Indonesian-German actress pours out her social concern. Cinta often provides assistance and is involved in various projects in the foundation.
2. Raline Shah

credit: instagram/ralineshah)
The beautiful actress Raline Shah also has a high level of empathy. Just like Cinta Laura, Raline also comes from a family with a high social concern. This is what makes Raline have the same soul. Raline is a member of the Three Little Angels community. In the community, Raline even serves as a Public Relations and consultant.
3. Nadine Chandrawinata

credit: instagram/nadinelist)
It has become a common secret that Nadine Chandrawinata is a person who cares about the environment. This Indonesian princess, aged 2-5, is known for frequently traveling to enjoy nature in Indonesia. Her hobby of traveling and diving has made her determined to preserve the marine ecosystem in Indonesia. Nadine's concern for the Indonesian sea can be seen from her frequent involvement in campaigns to preserve the marine ecosystem.
4. Andien

credit: instagram/andienaisyah)
Singer Andien Aisyah is also among the beautiful celebrities with a high social spirit. This jazz singer is often involved in various social activities. One of them is a campaign on gender equality titled 'See My Creativity, Not My Gender'. Not only that, as the mother of Kawa, she is also often involved in various fundraising activities on kitabisa.com.
5. Wulan Guritno

credit: instagram/wulanguritno)
Wulan Guritno pays attention to cancer patients. Wulan Guritno's attention is shown through a movement called the Hope Foundation (Yayasan Dunia Kasih Harapan). Wulan and her friend then made a hope bracelet or 'HOPE'. The 'HOPE' bracelet is produced and sold, and the proceeds are channeled to create health facilities for cancer patients.
6. Chelsea Islan

credit: instagram/chelseaislan)
The sixth beautiful celebrity with a high social spirit is Chelsea Islan. Born on June 2, 1995, she is a member of a cancer care foundation. The name of the foundation is Lovepink Foundation, which supports breast cancer patients.
Chelsea's biggest motivation to participate in this foundation is her mother, who is a cancer survivor. As an ambassador of the foundation, Chelsea often advocates for the importance of early awareness of breast cancer risks.
Those are among the 6 beautiful celebrities from Indonesia who have a high social spirit. They are all inspiring, and hopefully, they can motivate us to be more empathetic towards our surroundings.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.