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A Glimpse of Gisela Cindy's Home, Gracia Indri's Sister Living in Canada, Her Kitchen's Condition Attracts Attention

A Glimpse of Gisela Cindy's Home, Gracia Indri's Sister Living in Canada, Her Kitchen's Condition Attracts Attention Gisela Cindy's home portrait (Source: YouTube/ Gisela Cindy) - For fans of children's soap operas, Gisela Cindy used to be one of the child stars who often entertained your childhood. Now, Gisela has left the entertainment world in Indonesia and become a manager at a furniture store in Canada.

Although no longer active in the acting world, Gisela still interacts with her fans through her personal YouTube channel. There, she often shares her daily life as a manager. Living in Canada, Gisela decided to buy an apartment unit in Toronto.

Initially, the old apartment looked gloomy and outdated, but after being renovated it has become a comfortable living space for Gisela and her mother. Even the kitchen has a decent size for an apartment and looks fresh with complete modern furniture.

Want to know more about Gisela Cindy's house in Canada? Don't miss the complete information below, Tuesday (07/05/2024).

1. Gisela Cindy's Dark-Themed Kitchen

Gisela Cindy has a kitchen with a dark black kitchen set. The cabinet handles have a gold color that adds an elegant touch to the room.

The kitchen walls, painted in light gray, blend with the dark furniture, creating a distinctive minimalist impression.

2. A Refrigerator Filled with Magnets

In her kitchen, there is a large refrigerator. Interestingly, the refrigerator door is filled with many magnets. Gisela Cindy admits that she enjoys collecting these magnets as souvenirs from her trips abroad.

3. The Dining Area is Located Next to the Kitchen

In the kitchen, there is a dining area equipped with a dining table set. The dining table is made of wood, which adds a cool touch to the dining area. The chairs, which are dark black in color, perfectly complement the wooden accents on the table.

4. There is a Family Room equipped with a TV and Sofa

Gisela Cindy often gathers with her family in a comfortable living room. There, there is a television placed in front of a gray sofa. The room is very suitable for relaxing or watching together.

5. Portrait of Gracia Cindy's Bedroom

Gisela Cindy's bedroom is made in a minimalist style with a dominance of gray and white colors, similar to the atmosphere of other rooms. Besides the large bed, there is a gray sofa.

6. Netizens' Questions About Gisela Cindy

7. What Religion is Gisela Cindy?

Gisela Cindy is a beautiful actress known to adhere to the Christian religion.

8. Where was Gisela Cindy born?

This younger sister of Gracia Indri was born on December 1, 1994 in Pasuruan, East Java.

9. Where does Gisela Cindy live?

After moving to Toronto, Canada, Gisela Cindy shares about her new apartment's interior. She lives there with her mother.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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