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A Series of Beautiful Photos of Keisha, Arumi Bachsin's Daughter, Her Split Face Resembles Her Mother!

A Series of Beautiful Photos of Keisha, Arumi Bachsin's Daughter, Her Split Face Resembles Her Mother! Keisha, the daughter of Arumi Bachsin. Credit: - Although she is rarely active in the entertainment industry, the figure of Arumi Bachsin is still a topic of conversation. As is known, Arumi herself already has two children who are growing up.

Here are a series of photos of Keisha, the eldest daughter of Arumi Bachsin and Emil Dardak, who has a beautiful appearance that is similar to her mother.

1. With equally charming charisma, here's how sweet Keisha is when she joins Arumi Bachsin to make a video for Youtube.

2. This mother and child have such a beautiful resemblance, their smiles are also the same!

3. Named Lakeisha Ariestia Dardak, this little girl has beautiful eyes, a pointed nose, and thin lips.

4. Just like her mother, Keisha also has natural curly hair. She's so pretty like a living doll!

5. Look how sweet Keisha is spending time with her sibling and mother.

6. The Bachsin family portrait is so harmonious, far from any unpleasant rumors.

7. So, what do you think about these sweet photos of Keisha, Arumi Bachsin's daughter who looks so much like her mother, KLovers?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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