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A Series of Rarely Seen Photos of Ari Lasso's 4 Children, Close in Age - Full of Fun Quality Time Together

A Series of Rarely Seen Photos of Ari Lasso's 4 Children, Close in Age - Full of Fun Quality Time Together Ari Lasso's Family (credit: - The lives of celebrity families are always in the public eye. One of them is Ari Lasso, who is known to have a very harmonious and long-lasting family. After being declared cured of rare spleen cancer, Ari Lasso looked so happy spending time with his wife and four children.

Through his personal social media account, Ari Lasso often shares his daily activities. Not only his career in the music world, but this melodious solo singer also often shows the warmth of his family's harmony.

Like recently, Ari Lasso looked very happy sharing moments with his four children with Vita Dessy. Rarely seen, Ari Lasso's four children are now all grown up.

Want to know what the photos look like? Let's check them out here, KLovers.



1. Always Together with the Family

This celebrity family is also known to be very close-knit in every moment. One of them is in this photo, when Ari Lasso is seen spending time with his four children while in Singapore.



2. Fun Quality Time Together

Ari Lasso is known to be very close with his family. In a number of moments on his personal social media account, he also shows portraits of Ari Lasso spending time with his children. Starting from having dinner together to going on vacation, the most enjoyable moment of quality time for Ari Lasso's family is captured in this portrait. Not only with his parents, Ari Lasso's children are also close to each other.



3. The Four of Them Have a Close Age Gap

Meanwhile, Ari Lasso's four children also have a relatively close age gap. Ari Lasso's first child, Aura Rivanya Maharani, was born in 1999 with a not-too-distant age gap from her siblings. Audra Anandira Lasso was born in 2003, Abraham Bernard Lasso in 2005, and Alessandra Lasso in 2007.



4. All Already Growing Up

All already starting to grow up, Ari Lasso's four children are seen not only as siblings but also as friends. For example, in this portrait, when Ari Lasso's children spend time together on a special day. Ari Lasso's eldest child is known to have just graduated from college.



5. Like Siblings When Together with Parents

When they gather together, Ari Lasso and his wife with their children are like siblings. Look at this portrait as proof that their parents' looks are indeed very youthful. Do you agree, KLovers?



6. Very Harmonious

Talking about harmony, Ari Lasso's family is unquestionably harmonious. Just like his father who also has a harmonious relationship with his siblings, Ari Lasso's children also do the same. This is one of the harmonious portraits of Ari Lasso's children during a family dinner. Always united, KLovers?



7. Siblings Goal

Siblings goal is certainly suitable to describe Ari Lasso's four children who are often seen spending time together. Their happiness is so evident.

Those are some portraits of Ari Lasso's four children that are rarely seen. What do you think, KLovers?




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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