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Simple Portraits of the Late Farida Budyarti, Jeje Govinda's Mother-in-Law Who is Equally Beautiful as Her Daughter-in-Law

Simple Portraits of the Late Farida Budyarti, Jeje Govinda's Mother-in-Law Who is Equally Beautiful as Her Daughter-in-Law Portrait of Jeje Govinda's mother with Mama Amy Qanita (Instagram/ faridabudyarti50) - Farida Budyarti, Jeje Govinda's mother, is a caring mother who is always there to support Ritchie Ismail alias Jeje Govinda in every condition. She is not only caring and kind-hearted, but also beautiful, not inferior to Mama Amy, Syahnaz's mother.

If KLovers stalk Jeje's mother's Instagram, there are a lot of posts of photos with her in-laws and even selfies.

However, sad news came from the family. Farida Budyarti has just passed away while her son was in London, England.

This sad news was announced by Jeje through his personal Instagram account, on Monday (11/12). He announced that his mother passed away at RS Siloam, Jakarta.

"Innalillahi wa innailaihi rojiun. Our beloved mother, Ibu Farida Budyarti, has returned to Allah's mercy. On Monday, December 11, 2023, at 08:30 WIB at RS Siloam Semanggi," Jeje wrote.

Here are portraits of the late Farida Budyarti, who appeared simple and calm, as reported by various sources, on Monday (11/12/2023).

1. Jalan-Jalan sama Besan

A while ago, Jeje's mother and Mama Amy went on a vacation to Singapore together. They enjoyed their holiday and were not bothered by the issues that were happening in their children's household.

In this photo, Jeje's mother and Mama Amy look so beautiful, KLovers. They also complement each other with their outfit choices. Jeje's mother has a cake-like style because of her colorful clothes, while Mama Amy has a black and white style like a snake.

2. So Photogenic

Who says mothers can't be stylish in photos? Look at Jeje's mother's very photogenic photo. The angle of the photo while sitting and the placement of the hands result in a good photo, like those of models.

Not to mention the slightly tilted body and head position, which makes the photo look great. The smile and the gaze towards the camera further highlight the beautiful aura of Jeje's mother.

3. Appearing Existent and Compact with In-laws

These in-laws are both existent, KLovers. Various moments of theirs seem to be captured in a photo. For example, this photo of them inside an airplane. Look, KLovers, at the similarity in their photo style while holding a glass of drink.

Moreover, the sunglasses worn by Jeje's mother and Mama Amy make them look compact with each other. Their similar style is evidence of the harmony between these two large families.

4. Forever Young

In addition to having a beautiful face, Farida also looks forever young. The simple makeup on the face of Jeje Govinda's mother showcases her preference for a natural appearance. The white outfit paired with a bright-colored headscarf also makes Jeje's mother even more captivating.

5. Spending Time with Jeje and Syahnaz's Family

Farida Budyarti not only has a close relationship with Jeje and Mama Amy, but she is also very close to her daughter-in-law, Syahnaz. This photo is a real example of the close and harmonious relationship between them.

Farida strives to be a mother and mother-in-law who takes the time to be present in every moment of Jeje and Syahnaz. Their togetherness in this photo is filled with happy faces and harmonious relationships among the three of them.

6. Who are Jeje Govinda's parents?

Jeje Govinda is the youngest child of Isis Ismail and Farida Budyarti. Jeje's parents were blessed with four children. However, Jeje's father, Isis Ismail, passed away when Jeje was 25 years old. The message that Jeje always remembers from his parents is the importance of studying religious knowledge.

7. Who is Farida Budyarti?

Farida Budyarti is the mother of Jeje Govinda. The death of her husband caused Jeje's mother to live alone. Before Jeje married Syahnaz, Raffi Ahmad's sister, he lived under the same roof as his mother.

Now, Farida has a pair of twin grandchildren, a boy and a girl, from Jeje's marriage to Syahnaz. Jeje's success up to this point is inseparable from the support of his family and the prayers of his mother.

8. Where does Jeje work?

Since October 2008, Jeje has been working at the music recording company 'My Musics Records' as an Arranger and Producer. Not only that, he also pursued a career as a Digital Coordinator at PT Infinity Entertainment for 8 years.

9. What does Jeje do for work?

Jeje has a diverse range of jobs. He is the drummer of the band Govinda, an Arranger and Producer (A&R) at My Musics Records, as well as an actress in several FTV and web series. He is also a Digital Coordinator at PT Infinity Entertainment. Furthermore, since 2018 Jeje also holds three important positions at Casino Music, namely as a musician, arranger, and producer.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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