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Abigail's Love Confession Locked in Italy Because of the Corona Virus

Abigail's Love Confession Locked in Italy Because of the Corona Virus Abigail © KapanLagi/Budy Santoso - The corona virus outbreak haunts the entire world. The spread of this disease is so fast from one victim to another. If it originally came from Wuhan, China, now dozens of other countries are also affected. In fact, Italy is now recorded as the country with the second largest number of corona patients.

And who would have thought that Indonesian artist and model, Abigail, is currently in the land of Pizza, specifically in Milan. As is known, the Italian government has decided to lock down, where no one is allowed to enter or leave for a while in order to prevent the further spread of the virus.

Through a post on her Instagram account, Abigail expressed her unusual experience. Even though she is trapped in Italy, the star of the movie PEREMPUAN TANAH JAHANAM does not regret it at all.

"I love you, Italy. Spending my early 20s in Milan is a decision that I have made so joyfully. Not only did it broaden my perspective on myself and life, Italy also gave me many other things. Italy is my second home and family. I have never experienced such great and strong love before," said Abigail in her post.

1. Asmara Abigail Gets Locked Down in Italy

According to Asmara, the lockdown in Italy will last until April 3rd. And believe it or not, that date coincides with Asmara's birthday, where she will turn 28 years old.

"Right now, we are completely locked down with the aim of fighting the spread of the coronavirus, and I myself have chosen not to return to Indonesia until this lockdown is over on April 3rd (which happens to be my birthday). Who would have thought that April 3rd of this year would become such an important day in Italy," she added.

2. Asmara Abigail Shares the Reason Why She is in Italy

A little flashback, Asmara explains why she is currently in Italy. Apparently, she is here for work, both in the modeling and film industry. But of course, due to the coronavirus, all her activities have been disrupted.

"Initially, I came here for Milan Fashion Week, and then my 2 films were also scheduled for screenings in Europe in March. But because of this serious problem, we had to cancel all travel plans. I also chose to stay in Italy for the safety of my friends and family in Indonesia. And to all my friends around the world who are fighting this difficult situation, I hope we can get through it together," Asmara concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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