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Acting Competition in the Film 'AKAD', Kevin Julio Makes Indah Permatasari Lose Focus

Acting Competition in the Film 'AKAD', Kevin Julio Makes Indah Permatasari Lose Focus Kevin Julio Makes Indah Permatasari Lose Focus (Credit: Special) - Indah Permatasari admits that this is the first time she has acted alongside Kevin Julio. Unexpectedly, during the shooting of their latest film titled AKAD, they had to repeat one scene multiple times.

Indah Permatasari admits that she lost focus because of Kevin Julio's playful behavior. It also affected them during the shooting.

"There were a few moments when I laughed because of his weirdness," said Indah Permatasari during the film poster launch of AKAD at Plaza Indonesia, Central Jakarta, on Friday (3/12).

Apparently, the filming of the movie was done 2 years ago and after it was completed, the Covid-19 virus entered Indonesia, causing the release of the film, which was inspired by the song titled Akad created by Istiqamah Djamad alias Is, to be postponed.

1. Different Characters

Kevin Julio in the film produced by PT Pengembangan Pariwisata Indonesia, IFI Sinema, E-Motion Entertainment, and Maxstream plays the role of Dion, an expert conservation consultant working in Lombok.

Meanwhile, Indah Permatasari plays Indira, an independent woman who feels she doesn't need to get married in her life. She doesn't want to experience the sadness that her mother felt when she left her father.

2. Many Conflicts

"She closes her heart and herself," says Indah Permatasari.

There are still many conflicts and twists and turns that the two individuals have to go through to determine whether they are meant for each other and eventually get married or not. So, don't miss watching the film directed and written by Reka Wijaya in theaters on February 3, 2022.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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