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Adiba Khanza and Egy Maulana Vikri's Wedding Souvenirs Revealed, Simple yet Beneficial

Adiba Khanza and Egy Maulana Vikri's Wedding Souvenirs Revealed, Simple yet Beneficial Collage of souvenir designs, source: Instagram @_ummi_pipik_ - Various moments from the wedding event of Adiba Khanza Azzahra and Egy Maulana Vikri have always been a topic of discussion on social media.

However, they didn't share many moments from their wedding at that time.

In their latest Instagram Story posts @adiba.knza and @egymaulanavikri, they expressed their gratitude for the support, prayers, and well wishes on their wedding event. They also apologized for not being able to respond to each public message individually on Instagram.

Their wedding event was held privately, so not many people were able to attend.

This raised a question among netizens about the form of gifts or souvenirs given to the invited guests.

Curious about the contents of the wedding guest souvenirs for Adiba and Egy's wedding? Let's find out the information below, revealed from various sources on Wednesday, (13/12/2023).

1. This is the Form of Adiba and Egy's Wedding Souvenir Event

Seen from the latest post on Instagram Story @_ummi_pipik_, it is revealed that she has revealed the form and contents of the souvenir at Adiba and Egy's wedding event.

Although previously the form of this souvenir has been revealed by one of the invited guests.

The souvenir from Adiba Khanza and Egy Maulana's wedding has a green box design decorated with leaf motifs.

Inside, there are two simple yet very useful souvenirs.

One of them is wrapped in a net, while the other is placed directly inside the box.

2. Turns out, Adiba's Study and Bath Souvenirs are Equally Attractive

In her Instagram Story post, Umi Pipik not only showed the form of her child's wedding souvenirs, but also the contents of the souvenirs during the study and bath event for Adiba.

The gifts consist of a shoulder bag containing a prayer rug, tasbih, small Quran, and also a pouch.

3. Adiba's Bathing Moment Carried by Abidzar, Her Younger Brother

Before heading to the wedding event, Adiba and her family held a study and bath event on Saturday, December 9, 2023, which was only attended by their closest relatives.

Abidzar Al-Ghifari looked handsome carrying his sister, indicating his role as a substitute for their late father Uje in letting go of his sister who now belongs to someone else.

Umi Pipik also witnessed the joyful and touching moments of their togetherness.

4. Before Marriage, Adiba's Family Holds 'Malam Bainai'

There are interesting facts and the latest moments that can be revealed.

In the latest post on the Instagram account @_ummi_pipik_, there is a moment called 'Malam Bainai' which took place on December 8, 2023.

Umi Pipik explained in the caption of her Instagram that on that night, she handed over a box containing tools and henna to be applied to the hands of the bride-to-be.

On that night, the entire extended family also celebrated their happiness together.

5. Umi Pipik Sincerely Releases Adiba, After Meeting the Late Ustaz Jefri

Umi Pipik, as a parent, has reached a sincere feeling to let go of the presence of her eldest daughter, Adiba.

She shared a story about her dream, where the late Ustaz Jefri Al Buchori appeared and expressed gratitude for her success in carrying out the mandate of educating and caring for her children.

6. Who Did Egi Maulana Marry?

Egy Maulana Vikri has married Adiba Khanza. The wedding took place at Half Pati Unus, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.

7. When Did Adiba Get Married?

Adiba Khanza Azzahra and Egy Maulana Vikri finally got married on Sunday, December 10, 2023.

8. What Year Was Adiba Uje Born?

Adiba Khanza, born on June 7, 2000 in Jakarta, is the eldest daughter of the late Uje and Umi Pipik.

9. How Many Children Does Uje Have?

The late Ustaz Jefri Al Buchori was blessed with three children, Adiba Khanza Az-Zahra, Mohammad Abidzar Al-Ghifari, and Ayla Azuhro.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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