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Admitting Rarely Wants to Be Photographed, Here are 7 Latest Portraits of Adit AFI who is Now More Plump - Still Funny Behavior

Admitting Rarely Wants to Be Photographed, Here are 7 Latest Portraits of Adit AFI who is Now More Plump - Still Funny Behavior The latest portrait of Adit AFI who rarely wants to be photographed (credit: - Aditya Putra Widjaya's name has become more well-known since participating in the talent search event Akademi Fantasi Indosiar (AFI) season 2 in 2004. Rarely in the spotlight, the latest news about Nia AFI's husband Adit AFI has attracted attention.

Adit AFI was one of the popular finalists of AFI season 2 who had many fans. Not only his talent, but his love story with Nia AFI was once a hot topic. After a long time, Adit AFI showed a transformation in his appearance.

A number of photos on social media often show Adit AFI with his family. Interestingly, Nia AFI revealed that her husband rarely wants to be photographed. Curious about the latest portrait of Adit AFI? Check it out here KLovers.

1. Latest Portrait of Adit AFI

Born on November 3, 1984, Adit AFI is currently 39 years old. He is rarely seen on television screens now, but news about Adit AFI still attracts attention. Through social media accounts, Nia AFI actively shares moments with her beloved family, including her husband, Adit AFI. In her latest post, this celebrity couple, who were involved in a location-based romance, are going for an umrah pilgrimage with their beloved family.

2. Now Appears More Fulfilled

Fans are certainly familiar with Adit AFI's appearance when he was still a finalist on AFI. However, now, Adit AFI's transformation in appearance looks different from before. He appears to be more fulfilled compared to his previous appearance. This is a rare portrait of Adit AFI on television screens.

3. Making People Astonished

Adit's different appearance has made many people astonished. In addition to looking fuller, Adit AFI also appears with a beard. In his latest portrait, Adit is seen wearing a sarong and umrah uniform with his family. This is how Adit AFI's appearance makes people astonished. According to Nia AFI, her husband admits that he is now a father.

4. Admitting Rarely Wanting to Be Photographed

Actively uploading his activities through social media accounts, there are rarely seen photos of him with his husband. It turns out, there is a special reason why Adit AFI rarely appears with his family. In the caption on social media, Nia AFI admitted that her husband is difficult to be asked for a photo. However, recently Adit finally appeared in Nia AFI's latest video on social media. Many fans expressed their relief.

"His husband is now difficult to be asked for a photo. He's already a father, he said hihi," Nia AFI wrote in the caption @niadit_poll.

5. Departing for Umrah with Family

The latest news about this celebrity family is known to be departing for Umrah together. Through social media accounts, Nia AFI shared the moments of their Umrah journey from Indonesia to Madinah and Makkah. Before heading to the main destination, the celebrity family and entourage visited the Land of Sham. This is a portrait of Adit AFI when departing for Umrah.

6. Apparently, the Funny Behavior is Still the Same

Although his appearance has changed, one thing that remains consistent about Adit AFI is his funny behavior. This can be seen from a short video uploaded by Nia AFI when they were about to depart for Umrah. While at the airport, Adit AFI showed a funny behavior while walking with his wife and two beloved children. Instantly, Adit's behavior made Nia AFI and the children laugh.

7. Acting Funny in Front of the Camera

Moment of Adit AFI showing funny and amusing behavior in front of the camera immediately caught attention. Considering that it is now difficult to take a photo of him, it's no wonder that such moments are considered rare. Nia AFI even admitted that the short video is special because her husband wanted to be photographed.

"Upload reels first while my husband wants to be in the video hihi," wrote Nia AFI in the caption @niadit_poll.

That is the portrait of Adit AFI that is rarely seen now. Adit AFI's transformation has also caught attention.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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