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Admitting to Experience Violence, ART Reports Desiree Tarigan and Bams

Admitting to Experience Violence, ART Reports Desiree Tarigan and Bams Desiree Tarigan ©®/Bayu Herdianto - A woman with the initial I burst into tears at Komnas Perempuan, Jakarta, on Thursday (8/4) afternoon. As a woman, she intended to seek protection regarding the heartbreaking incident she experienced while working as a household assistant (ART) for Desiree Tarigan, the mother of Bams.

She then told the heartbreaking incident she had experienced. She admitted to receiving ill treatment and experiencing violence from her employer. The incident occurred last February 2021.

1. Handphone Sempat Disita

"At that time, my cellphone was confiscated by that person. Moreover, I was verbally abused and accused of receiving payment (from Hotma Sitompul) to spy on Desiree Tarigan's activities. All of that is not true," said I at the beginning of her confession.

She continued, "Then I was not allowed to leave the house. I was constantly monitored by two people even inside my room. I had to ask for permission from those two people to go to the bathroom."

2. Experience Violence

I also said that I have experienced violence that I will never forget. Not only verbal violence but also physical violence.

"My eyes were poked and he called me crazy. Basically, they cursed at me all on February 24th. Then on the morning of the 25th, I was called an animal by someone named D and B. Then I was threatened to be taken to jail," she said.

The incident that she experienced was reported by I to the Jakarta Metro Police on April 6, 2021, with the reported individuals being Desiree Tarigan and Bambang Reguna Bukit or Bams as well as two other people, namely Prianka Reguna Bukit and Vino.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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