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One Year After Glenn Fredly's Death, Mutia Ayu and Her Daughter Have a Unique Habit to Remember Their Father

One Year After Glenn Fredly's Death, Mutia Ayu and Her Daughter Have a Unique Habit to Remember Their Father Mutia Ayu: Herdianto - Mutia Ayu has had a special ritual every morning since the passing of Glenn Fredly, her husband. Not only herself, but she also instilled this habit in her little daughter Gewa Atlana Syamayim Latuihamallo.

1. Unique Habit

When met at Tanah Kusir Cemetery, South Jakarta, on Thursday morning (8/4), Mutia Ayu said that before the door of her house, there is a large photo of the late Glenn Fredly. Every morning, she and her daughter always take the time to greet the photo of the singer of Kasih Putih."At home, I have a big photo of Glenn before the door. So every morning when I go out, I always say hi and every time Gewa has taken a bath, I make sure she greets her father. Or kisses her father's photo every morning," said Mutia Ayu.

2. Always Get Support from Many Parties

Mutia Ayu also revealed the support system that gradually allowed her to accept her husband's departure. One of the biggest support she received was prayers from the late Glenn Fredly's fans. 

"There are so many, one of them is the fans, they are the greatest strength for me to stay strong, the fans never stop sending prayers through DMs. It's like a family, the fans' love for me, Gewa, and Glenn is that big. I am very grateful," she said. 




3. Revealing the Lowest Point in Life

In addition, she also shared the moment when she was at the lowest point in her life, when she had just given birth and Glenn fell ill. Mutia Ayu said that at that time, she was very confused about whether to accompany her husband to the hospital or take care of their baby. 

"That was when Glenn got sick, after giving birth to Gewa, I experienced baby blues and at that time Glenn's condition worsened, so I had to choose between the child and the husband. Actually, there was no choice, because it was not possible to bring Gewa, who was still a baby, to the hospital and at that time, the fear of Covid was even greater," she explained. 

"So I took care of Glenn at the hospital while sending breast milk home every two hours. That was my lowest point, but with the help of God, I stayed strong," she concluded.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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