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Admitting to Loving Eating, Take a Look at Ochi Rosdiana's Body Goals Photos from 'BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI' that Make You Envious

Admitting to Loving Eating, Take a Look at Ochi Rosdiana's Body Goals Photos from 'BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI' that Make You Envious


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Admitting to Loving Eating, Take a Look at Ochi Rosdiana's Body Goals Photos from 'BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI' that Make You Envious

The star of 'BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI', Ochi Rosdiana, recently revealed that she loves eating. Moreover, she needs food to improve her mood while filming. She even admitted to gaining weight because of frequent eating. 

On the other hand, despite admitting to loving eating and snacking in her spare time, Ochi still has a slim body. This has made many netizens envious. It's not without reason, even though she eats a lot, Ochi still has body goals.

What do her photos look like? Check them out here!


In an interview with recently, Ochi admitted that she really likes to eat. 

Admitting to Loving Eating, Take a Look at Ochi Rosdiana's Body Goals Photos from 'BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI' that Make You Envious

She does this eating to improve her emotional condition. 


Even so, because of frequent eating and snacking, her weight has increased significantly. 


Nevertheless, Ochi Rosdiana's appearance remains hot and she has body goals. 

Admitting to Loving Eating, Take a Look at Ochi Rosdiana's Body Goals Photos from 'BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI' that Make You Envious

It's no wonder that Ochi Rosdiana makes many netizens, especially women, jealous. 

Admitting to Loving Eating, Take a Look at Ochi Rosdiana's Body Goals Photos from 'BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI' that Make You Envious

Just look at her recent photoshoot. Ochi's body curves are clearly visible. Her slim waist is particularly noticeable. 


In this photo, especially, the former member of JKT48 is not hesitant to show off her slim waist like Barbie.