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After celebrating Christmas in Germany, Super Mom Jennifer Bachdim Takes her 3 Children on a Trip to France

After celebrating Christmas in Germany, Super Mom Jennifer Bachdim Takes her 3 Children on a Trip to France


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After celebrating Christmas in Germany, Super Mom Jennifer Bachdim Takes her 3 Children on a Trip to France

Recently, Jennifer Bachdim flew to Germany with her three children, without her husband, Irfan Bachdim. After deciding to return to her hometown during Christmas celebrations, Jennifer continues her exciting vacation in France. Curious about her latest photos? Let's take a peek!

After celebrating Christmas in Germany, Super Mom Jennifer Bachdim Takes her 3 Children on a Trip to France

This is a beautiful portrait of super mom Jennifer Bachdim continuing her exciting vacation moments in France.

After celebrating Christmas in Germany, Super Mom Jennifer Bachdim Takes her 3 Children on a Trip to France

Not only by herself, the wife of football player Irfan Bachdim also brought along her children who previously flew to Germany.

After celebrating Christmas in Germany, Super Mom Jennifer Bachdim Takes her 3 Children on a Trip to France

After celebrating Christmas in her hometown, Jennifer took her children on a tour around Europe, and their first destination was Strasbourg, France.

After celebrating Christmas in Germany, Super Mom Jennifer Bachdim Takes her 3 Children on a Trip to France

As usual, Jennifer actively shares the latest photos of her children who still wear masks to stay safe during the pandemic.


Due to the cold weather there, Baby Kiyoji looks comfortable lying on the stroller with a thick blanket, padded jacket, and beanie hat that he wears.

After celebrating Christmas in Germany, Super Mom Jennifer Bachdim Takes her 3 Children on a Trip to France

Not forgetting, Jennifer also shares pictures of the beautiful and charming Christmas decorations she encountered along the way.


Tired and sleepy after going around, Baby Kiyoji apparently fell asleep while inside the car.


Similarly, his older brother, Kenji, also fell asleep while hugging his favorite teddy bear. Cute!


Well, enjoy your vacation and gathering with your extended family there, Jen. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! ;)