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After Two Years of Dating, Harris Vriza, Star of 'TAJWID CINTA' Soap Opera, Admits He's Ready to Marry Haviza Devi

After Two Years of Dating, Harris Vriza, Star of 'TAJWID CINTA' Soap Opera, Admits He's Ready to Marry Haviza Devi Harris Vriza is ready to leave his bachelor days behind © - Soap opera star Harris Vriza is ready to leave his bachelor days behind. The player of the soap opera TAJWID CINTA plans to marry his girlfriend named Haviza Devi Anjani. It is known that Harris and Haviza have been in a relationship as a couple for two years.

"Of course, we definitely have thoughts about it (getting married). But everything goes back to what Allah has given. Just pray," said Harris Vriza in Tendean, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (13/6/2023).

Harris himself admits that he is ready to marry his girlfriend. However, this 28-year-old artist does not want to rush because marriage is not just about his own readiness. However, he must also consider the readiness of his girlfriend.

1. Not Easy

"If it's about readiness, then I'm ready, God willing. But it's not just about me, so both of us have to be ready. Marriage is not as easy as flipping your hand," said Harris Vriza.

For Harris, being in a romantic relationship is not just about spending time with his partner. But, it must have an end goal, which is marriage. Moreover, Harris' age is now approaching 29 years old.

2. Asking for Prayers

"At our age, we're not just dating to pass the time. We definitely have plans for the future (marriage)," he said.

Harris is grateful for his relationship with Haviza and asks for prayers that their relationship will continue to the next level of marriage.

"Alhamdulillah we're doing well, just asking for prayers," Harris Vriza concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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