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Alvin Faiz and Larissa Chou Officially Divorced, Three Witnesses Confirm the Lack of Harmony

Alvin Faiz and Larissa Chou Officially Divorced, Three Witnesses Confirm the Lack of Harmony Alvin Faiz - Larissa Chou © - The marriage of Alvin Faiz and Larissa Chou had to come to an end after lasting for the past five years. They are now officially divorced by default as Alvin Faiz never attended the divorce hearings.

Although the divorce was granted by default, the Panel of Judges of the Cibinong Religious Court heard testimonies from three witnesses who were close to Muhammad Alvin Faiz and Larissa Chou. It was revealed that their marriage was no longer harmonious.

"The first witness was Alvin's former manager, Adit. Then, Alvin's assistant, and also Larissa's house assistant," said Chaerudin, Larissa Chou's legal representative after the hearing on Wednesday (16/6).

1. No Longer Harmonious

According to the testimony of the three witnesses, the marriage between Alvin Faiz and Larissa Chou is no longer harmonious and there is no compatibility. Eventually, the judge granted Larissa's divorce petition.

"Yes, so these three witnesses stated that there is no compatibility and they have witnessed the disharmony, and the judge asked about such matters," said Chaerudin.

2. A New Life

Meanwhile, Larissa Chou feels relieved as she is officially divorced from Alvin Faiz without going through a lengthy process. She is ready to start a new life with her son, Yusuf.

"Yes, this is the beginning of a new life, a new beginning, hopefully it will be the best lesson for me and Alvin as well," concluded Larissa Chou.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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