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Always Accurate, Series of Hard Gumay's Predictions in 2024: Beware of Artists with Initial R

Always Accurate, Series of Hard Gumay's Predictions in 2024: Beware of Artists with Initial R

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Always Accurate, Series of Hard Gumay's Predictions in 2024: Beware of Artists with Initial R

The name Hard Gumay is no stranger in the entertainment industry of the homeland. He is now known as a fortune teller who is always widely discussed because he is often proven right when giving predictions about the lives of local artists.

Recently, Hard Gumay gave his predictions for 2024. From natural disasters to celebrity news, check out the complete information below.

Always Accurate, Series of Hard Gumay's Predictions in 2024: Beware of Artists with Initial R

A while ago, Hard Gumay was invited to Dr. Richard Lee's podcast. In addition to discussing the news of Hard Gumay's recent recovery from illness, Dr. Richard also asked about his predictions for this year 2024.


The first prediction is about two plane accidents in June 2024. There will be a plane crash in the sea and in the forest. Hard Gumay even explained the timing in detail.


Hard Gumay described it in great detail. He then mentioned that there will be an earthquake in the East and West Sumatra regions at the end of 2024.


The most anticipated prediction is about a celebrity. Hard Gumay mentioned that an artist with the initial R should be careful. R will be involved in a domestic violence scandal and a fight.


Then there will be a male artist with the initial N who will stumble upon a drug case. Then an actor and soap opera star with the initial A will also stumble upon the same case for the fourth time.


A senior male artist with the initial D will stumble upon drugs for the second time. The wife of this artist is also known as an artist, oh who could it be?


It's not over yet, there is a celebrity with the initial C who will get sick, followed by bad news. Hard Gumay mentioned that the artist is still young.


Hard Gumay also explained that in 2024, many artists will get divorced, including an artist with the initial R. Hard Gumay didn't mention with whom, because it would be easy to guess.

Always Accurate, Series of Hard Gumay's Predictions in 2024: Beware of Artists with Initial R

There will also be the biggest infidelity among artists in 2024. Hard Gumay also predicted Ayu Ting Ting's marriage. "It's fine, at first. But be careful later on. So I think everything will be fine, will be suitable, as long as Ayu can control herself. Because I see that economically it's not balanced. There is hope, expectations are not met," said Hard Gumay.


Hard Gumay's predictions often make many people afraid. However, he hopes that from his predictions, people can anticipate. Hopefully, it won't happen, let's pray, KLovers.