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Angela Gilsha, Star of 'SAMUDRA CINTA', Lifts 80 Kilograms, Netizens: We Struggle Just to Lift a Gallon

Angela Gilsha, Star of 'SAMUDRA CINTA', Lifts 80 Kilograms, Netizens: We Struggle Just to Lift a Gallon Angela Gilsha (Credit: - The soap opera SAMUDRA CINTA is not only popular because of the tumultuous love story of Sam and Cinta, but also because of its cast members. Yes, one of the actors who always performs well is the antagonist Angela Gilsha. This person is also known for her beauty and body goals.

Behind Angela's beauty, she turns out to be very fond of sports. She has been regularly going to the gym since graduating from high school. After taking a break, Angela is now even more diligent and can lift loads of tens of kilograms!

1. Update Progress

Yes, that was known from Angela's upload on her Instagram on Thursday (8/4) last week. She appeared to be doing hip thrust and squat exercises.

"Update progress for today's hip thrust is 80 kilos, squat is still at 60 kilos," wrote the woman from the Island of the Gods.

2. The Most Difficult Thing

She also revealed that the most difficult thing in this gym training is building motivation.

"I stopped for 2 weeks because I lost motivation. The most difficult thing is actually building the motivation to start again," continued Angela.

3. Deddy Corbuzier's Comment

The upload was instantly flooded with comments from netizens. Interestingly, Deddy Corbuzier also commented there. He invited Angela to train at his gym.

"Cool. Next, if you have time, come to my gym. I have a hip thrust machine that you have never seen before," wrote Deddy.

The comments from netizens were also interesting. Many were impressed with Angela's strength. According to them, even lifting a gallon is difficult. Well, what do you think, KLovers?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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