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Apply a Healthy Lifestyle, Babe Cabita Shocked by Rare Disease Aplastic Anemia

Apply a Healthy Lifestyle, Babe Cabita Shocked by Rare Disease Aplastic Anemia - For the past two years, Babe Cabita has been applying a healthy lifestyle. So it's no wonder that when he was struck by the rare disease aplastic anemia, he was shocked beyond belief.

As known, last June Babe was rushed to the hospital. Initially, he was said to have dengue fever, but after a series of examinations, it was discovered that he had aplastic anemia.

"In the past two years, I have been living a healthy lifestyle, diligently dieting, consuming fiber, exercising, not fooling around. But when I was living healthy, I found out about this illness," Babe said when met in the Kapten Tendean area, South Jakarta, Monday (4/9/2023).

1. The Immune System Attacks the Spinal Cord

Babe Cabita asked the doctor why he ended up with aplastic anemia. It is explained that it is because the body's own immune system attacks the spinal cord.

"Ideally, the immune system should attack the diseases that enter our bodies. But in my case, my immune system attacks my own spinal cord. The spinal cord is said to produce blood cells, but because it is attacked by the immune system, it cannot produce blood," said Zulfati Indraloka's husband.

2. Bone Marrow Transplantation for Total Recovery

Since leaving the hospital, Babe Cabita has been regularly taking medication and undergoing check-ups. There is an alternative in the form of bone marrow transplantation in Singapore. However, for now, he chooses to use medication.

"Now, Alhamdulillah, I am fully recovered. In this recovery process, I need to maintain a stable immune system. If I want to fully recover, the alternative is to go to Singapore for a bone marrow transplant. But for now, I'll just stick with medication," Babe said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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