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Arga Rizkian, Businessman and Motivator who was Rumored to be Close to Maria Vania

Arga Rizkian, Businessman and Motivator who was Rumored to be Close to Maria Vania Arga Rizkian / Credit Foto: Personal Documentation - Arga Rizkian's name has been a hot topic on social media lately. The reason is because he is rumored to have a special relationship with the beautiful artist and celebrity; Maria Vania.

The rumors of their closeness arose after they were caught eating together at a restaurant. At that time, Arga and Maria appeared to be sitting together while laughing like a couple.

Upon investigation, it was revealed that they were discussing business matters. Arga himself also confirmed that his relationship with Maria is only as friends. It's not surprising, considering that Arga has many connections to build his business, as well as pursue his profession as a motivator.

"I am currently busy with the Autosultan Community for Digital Asset Mining, Trading, coffee shop business, some products and properties. So when I'm with Maria Vania, we're doing business together with Vania, Richbean X," said Arga to the media recently.

1. Meeting Celebrities for Business Matters

The owner of the @argarizkian account didn't expect to invite various rumors after meeting Maria Vania. However, before that, Arga had often met with other celebrities to discuss business or provide motivational classes.

"Some celebrities (collaboration) are indeed from Richbean management," he said.

As someone who is also active as a motivator, Arga conveyed the joys and challenges of the profession. "Happy when colleagues we bring become successful, sad when they do not take action so they don't participate in life changing," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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