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Arsy Loves Singing Islamic Songs, Anang Hermansyah: He's a Fan of Sabyan

Arsy Loves Singing Islamic Songs, Anang Hermansyah: He's a Fan of Sabyan Ashanty - Arsy @ - Having a smart and religious child is a happiness of its own for every couple. Anang Hermansyah and Ashanty also feel that happiness with the presence of Arsy Addara Musicia Nurhermansyah.

Not only beautiful and smart, Arsy Addara Musicia Nurhermansyah, born on December 14, 2014, also grows up inheriting the talents of both parents. This is evident in recent times, where both Anang Hermansyah and Ashanty often upload videos of Arsy singing.

What's more interesting is that, nearing the month of Ramadan, Arsy is really into singing Islamic songs. So, what is Anang's response when asked about this?



1. Thanks to Ashanty

"He's really happy singing Islamic songs. He sings a lot of them," said Anang Hermansyah praising his child, when contacted by reporters via telephone on Friday (10/4) yesterday.

Furthermore, Anang also conveyed that all of this happened thanks to his beloved wife, Ashanty. According to him, Arsy can be like that because of Ashanty's role in instilling religious values since childhood. "Yes, it's because of her," said Anang.

2. Arsy is a Big Fan of Nissa Sabyan

Still according to Anang, for Islamic songs, Arsy also listens to a lot of songs from Nissa Sabyan. "She's a fan of Sabyan. She's been a fan for a long time. She has even performed a duet with Nissa Sabyan before (singing religious songs)," he said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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