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Tribute for Glenn Fredly, Nia Ramadhani Plays Piano Singing the Song Januari

Tribute for Glenn Fredly, Nia Ramadhani Plays Piano Singing the Song Januari Glenn Fredly - Nia Ramadhani. © Akrom Sukarya - Rio Motret ( - The departure of the legendary musician Glenn Fredly was indeed surprising and left a wound for many people. Including Nia Ramadhani who seems to idolize the singer.

Through social media, Nia Ramadhani made a video tribute for Glenn Fredly. In a series of short videos that she uploaded, Nia sang the song Januari.

1. Nia's Post

On Thursday (9/4) yesterday, Nia Ramadhani expressed her condolences for Glenn Fredly's passing. Through her Instagram Story, she uploaded a short video of herself playing the song Januari on the piano.

"Farewell legend," she wrote.

2. Thank You

Through the caption accompanying the video, Nia also expressed her gratitude for Glenn Fredly's works. "Thank you for your beautiful works," she wrote.

Nia also mentioned that the entire Indonesia mourns Glenn's departure. "Indonesia is crying," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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