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Artist Dhini Aminarti Decides to Reject Work During the Holy Month of Ramadan, Wants to Have Sahur with Dimas Seto

Artist Dhini Aminarti Decides to Reject Work During the Holy Month of Ramadan, Wants to Have Sahur with Dimas Seto - Dhini Aminarti, an Indonesian actress, has declined several job offers during the month of Ramadan 2025 to enjoy sahur moments with her husband, Dimas Seto. This beautiful artist explained that this decision is not only applicable for this year's Ramadan but has become their habit over the past few years.

"If it's Ramadan itself, we have indeed not taken jobs, especially for sahur-related work, for the past few years. Because I really want to have sahur together with Mas Dimas. It's more about that," she said as quoted by detikhot.

1. Want to Focus on Worship

Dhini also expressed that during the month of Ramadan, she and Dimas want to focus on worship.

"As for other work, there were some yesterday, but I didn't take a few because I really want to focus. We have been working for 11 months straight; how can we not focus on ourselves for just one month?" she said.

2. Want to Prepare Healthy Food for Husband

Dhini mentioned that although Dimas is not too picky about sahur and breaking the fast meals, she tries to provide healthy dishes that her husband likes.

"For Mas Dimas, breaking the fast and sahur is not too complicated, actually, because for sahur, just drinking plain water is enough. But during Ramadan, it must be filled with good, healthy food. Mas Dimas usually needs to have kolak or something sweet," she said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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