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Asked by Netizens About Wife, Indra Bruggman Accidentally Reveals Marriage Plans After Pandemic

Asked by Netizens About Wife, Indra Bruggman Accidentally Reveals Marriage Plans After Pandemic Indra Bruggman. Credit: via taken on 6/5/2020 at 20.39 - It's no longer a secret that the personal life story of Indra Bruggman often catches the attention of netizens. Especially when it comes to his love story.

Until now, at the age of 38, Indra Bruggman has not yet taken the step towards marriage. However, Indra's response when asked by netizens about when he will get married immediately became a topic of conversation. Curious?

1. Indra Bruggman's Post

On Wednesday (6/5) yesterday, Indra Bruggman uploaded a photo of himself in the kitchen. The man appeared busy cooking while wearing a face shield that covered his face.

"There's a purpose to making this face shield. I wonder why I didn't think of it earlier," he wrote.

2. Marriage Plan

In the comments section, a netizen asked when Indra will get married. "Aa Indra is handsome, why hasn't he gotten married yet? There are definitely many girls who want to marry aa Indra," he wrote.

Indra's response to the comment caught attention, as he admitted to having a plan to get married after the end of the corona pandemic. "After the pandemic is over, so we can have a celebration," he answered.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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