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Asmirandah Experiences Miscarriage of Second Child, Previously Exposed to Covid-19 and Late to Know the Fetus Died

Asmirandah Experiences Miscarriage of Second Child, Previously Exposed to Covid-19 and Late to Know the Fetus Died Asmirandah Experiences Miscarriage of Second Child (Credit: - Sadness once again envelops the entertainment world. This time, the sad news comes from the couple Asmirandah and Jonas Rivanno. Asmirandah suffered a miscarriage while pregnant with their second child. This was revealed on her personal Instagram on Sunday (20/3).

According to Jonas, Asmirandah was pregnant two months ago. Unexpectedly, in the 7th week of her pregnancy, Asmirandah and her family were exposed to Covid-19.

"But in the 7th week of my wife's pregnancy. Our family was affected by Covid-19, which was quite unpleasant because we had to isolate at home and because of that, we couldn't go to the hospital for an ultrasound and check on my wife's pregnancy," Jonas wrote.

1. No Longer Beating

Finally, they recovered from Covid-19 and were able to have a pregnancy check-up at 11 weeks. At that moment, Asmirandah and Jonas found out that the fetus in Asmirandah's womb was no longer alive.

"But when we checked, it was devastating to see that our baby's heart was no longer beating on the ultrasound," Jonas said.

2. Abnormality Detected

"We were faced with the reality that our child in my wife's womb did not develop since 9 weeks of pregnancy and upon further examination, there was a slight abnormality in the fetus," he added.

According to the doctor, even if the fetus did develop, it is likely to grow into a child with down syndrome, disability, or other abnormalities. Jonas and Asmirandah admitted that they could not hide their sadness.

3. Delayed by God

Nevertheless, Jonas bravely strengthened his wife. According to him, the moment they have another child is currently being delayed by God.

"It's not that we won't have a child, it's just a delay," Jonas concluded on the same day of the incident. "We agree to believe that God will surely bless us with our next offspring."


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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