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Attending Aurel-Atta's Wedding, Krisdayanti Wears a Bun and Meaningful Attire

Attending Aurel-Atta's Wedding, Krisdayanti Wears a Bun and Meaningful Attire Krisdayanti © Special - In order to attend her eldest daughter Aurel's wedding, Krisdayanti wanted to make a memorable appearance. From the hairstyle to the outfit, she thought it through.

For her hair, Krisdayanti deliberately chose the tulak bun style. She said the tulak bun has a profound meaning.

"This tulak bun is specially for mothers who marry off their first daughters," said Krisdayanti when met at her residence before heading to Aurel and Atta's wedding ceremony, Saturday (3/4/2021).


1. Anne Avantie's Creation

For her outfit, Krisdayanti wore a classic kebaya combined with parang batik fabric as the bottom piece, created by renowned designer Anne Avantie.

"This is a kebaya and fabric offering from Anne Avantie. The kebaya is classic and the parang (batik) fabric also has its own philosophy," said Krisdayanti.


2. Meaning of Batik Parang

Quoting Wikipedia, batik parang has the meaning of advice to never give up. Batik parang also represents an unbroken connection, both in family ties and in efforts to improve oneself.

Furthermore, Krisdayanti said as a mother, she hopes that Aurel's marriage to Atta can proceed smoothly.

"May the wedding ceremony proceed solemnly and sacredly. I also pray to God Almighty to guide all of us who are present to give positive energy to the couple because this is a big day. As parents, we only accompany them to the pier, once again, it is Aurel and Atta who will sail the ship," she concluded.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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12 Moments of Final Preparation Before the Super Luxurious Wedding of Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah, World's Tallest Cake and 3 Luxury Cars Inside the Ballroom

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12 Moments of Final Preparation Before the Super Luxurious Wedding of Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah, World's Tallest Cake and 3 Luxury Cars Inside the Ballroom