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Aurel Hermansyah Reveals Must-Have Iftar Food, Netizens: It Turns Out Beautiful People Like This Food

Aurel Hermansyah Reveals Must-Have Iftar Food, Netizens: It Turns Out Beautiful People Like This Food Instagram/mrsayudewi - Amidst the hustle and bustle of the entertainment world, Aurel Hermansyah recently caught the public's attention with a very special iftar moment. On the second day of Ramadan, Aurel attended an iftar event with her extended family at her mother's home, Kris Dayanti. This gathering became a rare moment, considering Aurel was able to gather with all her parents, including Anang Hermansyah, Ashanty, Raul Lemos, and Kris Dayanti.

Not only that, Aurel also invited her husband, Atta Halilintar, to join the iftar with her extended family. However, at another moment, this wife of Atta Halilintar also revealed her favorite food that has become a must-have for iftar during an event.

1. A Fried Snack as a Must-Have Food

Ramadan is a month full of blessings and an opportunity to gather with loved ones. When asked about the must-have iftar menu in a video uploaded on Ayu Dwi's account on March 6, 2025, Aurel explained this.

"Spring rolls filled with vermicelli, and...bird's eye chili. Basically, anything fried, I eat," Aurel revealed.

2. Positive Responses from Netizens

"Warm fried snacks with chili/peanut sauce are indeed the best," said one account.

" The highest throne belongs to 'Fried Snacks', long live fried snacks!" said another account.

"Beautiful people apparently also like fried snacks, huh?" added another.

Hearing that response, many netizens appreciated her answer, which was considered simple and straightforward. Moreover, fried snacks seem to be a food that many people like, especially as a iftar treat. It feels incomplete to break the fast without that appetizing dish. In fact, some were surprised to find that beautiful people also enjoy fried snacks.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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