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Because of Receiving Many DMs from Netizens, Hotman Paris is Interested in Handling the Vina Cirebon Case to be Quickly Resolved

Because of Receiving Many DMs from Netizens, Hotman Paris is Interested in Handling the Vina Cirebon Case to be Quickly Resolved © Akrom Sukarya & - The true story of a teenager from Cirebon named Vina who died after being assaulted and raped has been made into a film titled VINA: SEBELUM 7 HARI. Since its release in theaters starting May 8, 2024, this horror crime film has successfully attracted public attention.

Because of the film directed by Anggy Umbara, the public has requested the police to reinvestigate the death of Vina. As there are three perpetrators who have not been captured until now.

1. Getting Many DMs

The high-profile case of Vina has prompted renowned lawyer Hotman Paris to take immediate action. This comes after he received numerous direct messages from followers asking him to intervene.

"I am involved in this because I can't stand the constant harassment from netizens in my DMs. My DMs are filled with messages about Vina. Honestly, I don't know the details of the case. But I immediately instructed my team to conduct research, and I became interested because it is intriguing," said Hotman, who was met in the Grogol area, West Jakarta, on Thursday (16/5/2024).

2. Initial Steps

As an initial step in handling Vina's case, Hotman Paris appeared with the late Vina's family. After the news became public consumption, Hotman will write a letter to the West Java Regional Police to urge them to quickly handle the case.

"This is the first step because it is very effective to be broadcasted by all media outlets. In just five minutes of my involvement, I received information from the investigators. We will continue to monitor, write letters, and file complaints until the police officers carry out their duties professionally," said Hotman.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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