Show Romantic Photos with Husband, Tania Nadira Vacationing in Turkey Amidst the Pandemic
Exploring Tania's Instagram account, it is known that this 29-year-old woman has been in Turkey for several days. - Raisa Andriana admits to having many dreams that have not been realized, especially in 2020. One of them is to hold a solo concert, which has been her dream. Unfortunately, that has not been able to be realized yet.
Raisa's solo concert, which was scheduled to take place at the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium (SUGBK), Jakarta on September 8, 2020, had to be postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
"In addition to realizing the concert, I also have other dreams, I want to have an international album, a beauty brand, and dreams for myself and my family, like wanting to vacation here, there, and wanting to build a house," said Raisa in a virtual conversation with the media, Wednesday (28/10).
Although some dreams of the 30-year-old singer have not been realized, she does not feel disappointed. Because for her, if she fails at one thing now, Raisa will try another way to make her wishes come true.
"Everyone has failed before and will definitely experience failure. If you fail, consider it as one way that didn't work, so you have to find another (way) and try as much as possible," she said.
The solo concert titled Raisa Live in Concert 2020 at the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium was initially planned to be held on June 27, 2020. However, due to the never-ending Covid-19 pandemic, the concert was postponed to September 8, 2020.
Unfortunately, on the scheduled date, Raisa's concert still could not be held due to the government's recommendation in DKI Province. Seeing the current pandemic situation, many people hope that the situation will improve soon.
Implementing health protocols is certainly something that must always be considered to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. #RememberMother'sMessage, wash your hands regularly, wear a mask, and maintain distance.
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