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Becoming a Dangdut Singer, Adult Magazine Model Lissa in Macao Releases Single Remas Manja

Becoming a Dangdut Singer, Adult Magazine Model Lissa in Macao Releases Single Remas Manja Lissa In Macao (credit: Personal Documentation) - The dangdut music industry has a new entrant, namely Lissa in Macao. Lissa is an adult men's magazine model who is trying to expand her career by becoming a dangdut singer.

Lissa in Macao herself had fantasies and dreams of becoming a popular singer when she was still young. Until finally, it came true thanks to the team from Kataoila.

Under the management of Kataoila Talent Management in collaboration with Seven Octave Music Production in a music campaign called What in Where initiated by 76 Rider, Lissa finally gave birth to her first single titled Remas Manja. Remas Manja is packaged with electronic touches in the song arrangement.

"Since I was little, I have always loved singing and dreamed of becoming a popular singer. I am grateful to meet the Kataoila team who support me in becoming a singer, and my childhood dream has come true," said Lissa in Macao.



1. Show All Out

In the music video, Lissa goes all out to entertain her fans, both in terms of vocals and fashion. Moreover, Lissa does not intend to appear sexy.

Furthermore, Lissa also expressed that she enjoys taking on roles in acting and immersing herself in the music video.

"I never intended to create that image (sexy). I just enjoy every role and job in acting, modeling, or singing. I try to understand and immerse myself in the essence of every song I sing," said Lissa.



2. Started Career as a Men's Magazine Model

Born in 1997, this girl began her career as a men's magazine or miss popular model. From there, offers for acting in television shows, movies, and commercial advertisements came flooding in. Lissa was also trusted to be the main character in the sitcom dr. SintaL.

"Yes, you have to be confident and work hard. We won't succeed if we don't work hard. Focus on the goals we pursue, as long as we're still on the right path, there's no need to be afraid of negative criticism from others. The key is to prepare mentally," concluded Lissa.

With Lissa's dedication in the music industry, she has received positive support from her family, friends, and the Kataoila team. In fact, she had the opportunity to be a guest star at the virtual concert "Teman Baru" in 2021 organized by Kataoila Production.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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