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Continuing to Provide Support, Ayu Ting Ting Believes Ivan Gunawan Can Lose Weight in Three Months

Continuing to Provide Support, Ayu Ting Ting Believes Ivan Gunawan Can Lose Weight in Three Months Ayu Ting Ting © Akrom Sukarya - Presenter Ivan Gunawan received a challenge from Deddy Corbuzier to lose 20 kilograms of weight in three months. If successful, the presenter, who is familiarly called Igun, will be given 500 million rupiah.

Igun's friend, Ayu Ting Ting, believes that the host of Brownies Trans TV can successfully lose 20 kilograms of weight. As long as everything Ivan Gunawan does is truly consistent.

"He can do it, he can. If he is consistent and committed, he can do it. He's already skinny, he has lost a lot of weight. I think he can get the 500 million rupiah," said Ayu Ting Ting, to reporters recently.

After accepting the challenge from Deddy Corbuzier, Ivan Gunawan's eating habits changed. Now, the 39-year-old designer no longer consumes food that contains sugar.

"Igun has been determined since before, I've noticed it for almost two weeks. He no longer touches rice, sugar, sweet drinks. Usually, when there's an event and there's cake or something, 'Don't you want it? Ayu, I'm sorry, I don't eat sugar anymore,'" said Ayu Ting Ting.

1. Will Build a Mosque

Meanwhile, Ivan Gunawan said that the 500 million rupiah challenge from Deddy Corbuzier will be used to build a mosque. Ivan Gunawan mentioned this when talking with artist Raffi Ahmad on his YouTube channel uploaded on Sunday (25/7/2021).

"I will use the 500 million to build a mosque, Fi. By Allah. So, yesterday I told the master (Deddy Corbuzier). So, when I had Covid in September, my saturation was very low, I made a vow to Allah and said to Allah, 'Oh Allah, if You heal me, I really want to build a mosque'," said Ivan Gunawan.

The designer who is often appointed as a judge in various events also emphasized that he never thought of using the money for shopping.

That's why when I received the challenge the other day, after thinking about what I would do with 500 million rupiah. I wouldn't waste it on shopping," Ivan Gunawan concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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